Drivers window won't go up.


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Bay Area, Ca
Rolled down my drivers window yesterday and it doesn't want to roll back up. Sometimes I can grab the window and pull it up, while using the switch, but it doesnt work this time. I replaced the fuse (blue 25) and that doesn't do much. Any suggestions?? Thanks!
Can you hear or feel the motor move at all? You can remove the cap on the door panel that will expose a gear wheel, if you still have it in your tool kit there is a white plastic rack that you can turn that gear with - if not, you can move it with your fingers but be careful not to get them caught if the motor starts moving again. It will take a lot of turns to move the window up or down manually, but it might start moving again with a little assistance.
Yeah I can still hear the motor. I will try and get the little door knob off. I dont think I have that tool in my tool kit but I will improvise. Thanks for all the advice. I will see if anything else works!
So the motor goes but the window doesn't? Sounds like the motor's transmision is shot, proably the nylon gear.

It would be a good excuse to upgrade to the E28 motors. 8)