Due North


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The Garvock, Scotland
Just out of idle curiosity, because I am in Edmonton and heading for Fort Nelson, BC soon who has the most northerly coupe on the road, Maybe DaveB in Scotland?
I think I should be told
Dave by 3 degrees

Edmonton 53 31 57N (one coupe that I know of in Edmonton)

Carnoustie 56 30 12N

Fort St. John is lovely this time of year. Take a flashlight...and a gun.

Happy New Year,
Northern coupes


Am not sure, but according to the memberlist, the following folks may be further north:-

Knut - Oslo, Norway
eltonjohan, Bert-Ola, Stefan and M635forever - all in Sweden.

Keep me right guys - I dont know of a site to compare latitudes, or identify the most northerly place.

If it is me just now, that will change once Malc's DOB is put on the road, because Malc is 40 miles nort of me!

Who is the furthest south, east and west I wonder? Hmmmm
Hmm,i think that would be me... Trondheim in Norway,got an 73 3,0 csa and an 74 2,5 cs . But hardly on the road as we have 6 months of winter :evil:
Most southerly, Auckland New Zealand, Its middle of summer here, blue skys lots of sun great roads for driving and my cars in the boby shop#@!!&^ :cry: (RUST!!!!!!) :cry:
No, it was just some good old (I hope) yankee sarcasm meaning with global warming you're UP to 45 minutes of summer from, say, 30 minutes of summer. -Paul
Hehe,sorry! :lol: 45 min...that would be amazeing. That would almost give me enough time to get to the gas-station,fill her up and get back. I`ll go and set fire to my sparetire just to speed the prosess on...