E3 3.0si fuel leak

robbe e3

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Hey all!

Project is going well, currentlye I have two more problems left.
Hope I could get some info from people who might have had this before!

Most important one:
Fuel leak at the injector(s?)
At first I tought, ok easy replace the seals and I should be fine.
However, the big seal (13641352717) looks like it's only there to dampen vibrations. Correct? The fuel seems to be comming from there for some reason. So I tried it again and I saw my injector was 'pissing' between the blue plastic and metal part. Looks like a small hole. Is this something that happens a lot? I will replace the injector with a new one if I find one online. My question, should I also change the rubber sealings while I'm at it?(13641452717 and 13641352717)


Next to that; I replaced all 4 break cylinders, had some good pedal after getting the air out. Then I wanted to stall the car again so I drove it, but when the engine was running all off my pedal was gone. Didn't realy look in to it yet, but I read this will probably master brake cylinder on top of the brake booster? Brake booster itself will not be bad I think with this problem.

Realy hoped some of the experts could give me some info if they had this problem before so if someone has any advise, please let me know!
As to your injector seal question, I am attempting to resurrect a Euro 635csi that had been sitting for a decade and I replaced all of those seals on all of the injectors (as well as the hoses to the injectors.)

Seals were cheap on Rock Auto - Beck/Arnley 1580021. Kit contains 4 seals for $6.25, so you need two kits.
I don't think that a seal kit will fix the problem with that injector, I would replace it, if you have just done the seals, they don't have to be replaced again.

on the brakes, do you have the check valve between the booster and intake, the right way round? If you pump up the pedal , do you get any thing then? How old is the M/C, it can have an internal seal damage that will cause the pedal to go soft and show no leaks, bypassing within itself, is there any sign of leakage at the M/C where it attaches to the booster?

Thanks, Rick
I don't think that a seal kit will fix the problem with that injector, I would replace it, if you have just done the seals, they don't have to be replaced again.

on the brakes, do you have the check valve between the booster and intake, the right way round? If you pump up the pedal , do you get any thing then? How old is the M/C, it can have an internal seal damage that will cause the pedal to go soft and show no leaks, bypassing within itself, is there any sign of leakage at the M/C where it attaches to the booster?

Thanks, Rick

hey, thanks for the response!
I haven't seen one, but what I have seen is that the privous oner put silicone as a seal around it.. so yeas it might be leaking in the master cilinder!
it seems pretty old as well. Probably I'll need to replace it with a new seal as well!
Consider replacing injectors with Standard Motor Parts fj118...new technology at a fraction of the price .
hey, do you have more info or a link to that? i'm looking now for a new injectore, because one is bad unfortunatly.
Can't seem to find injectors online :oops:



many thanks for that suggestions!
unfortunatly they are the black ones. I need the blue ones for D-Jetronic, not L-jetronic.
At least I heard there's a difference between the injector type?

can't find the blue ones on that site you sent tho. am I searching wrong?