E3 and E9 Windshields

Dick Steinkamp

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Bellingham, WA
I'm posting this in the E9 subforum, but it applies to both E3s and E9s

I have been a little surprised about the threads on expensive E3 and E9 windshields and the need to source them from Europe.

Here is my story...

I have a local guy that is an experienced installer, has time with a major shop, likes to do the old cars, but now just does it on the side. He is also a friend and neighbor. He has done several collector cars for me. He did my Bavaria....


I called him when I finally had the front and rear seals and asked him to find me a windshield. No problem. He had one in two days out of Portland. It was a SIGLA which I believe was the OE supplier. $200 shipped and including his profit. It fit perfectly.

After the recent posts about expense and availability of E3 and E9 windshields, I called him today and asked him what price and availability looked like in the US for both E3 and E9 windshields. He signed onto the system that glass dealers/installers have access to. E3s were somewhat scarce. 1 in Everett, WA, 2 in Portland, OR, and 1 in Florida. E9s were a different story. Lots available in every area of the US. Prices for either E3 or E9 were about what I paid for my E3 one. I don't know if all of those available are SIGLAs.

My point is that popularly priced windshields are available for our cars in the US. It is probably a matter of finding a shop that is able, willing, and comfortable working with the ol skool methods of installation and that has experience with finding them in the suppliers' systems.
Thanks @Dick Steinkamp. I’m guilty of assuming that the rears were NLA. I listed my rear for $500 but took it down
after clarification. Now I’ll need to figure out what to do with it! :D
Rear glass or rear seal? I didn't interpret Dick's post as saying that rear glass was available. He does mention getting F and R seals for his E3.
I didn't need a rear glass, so I have no knowledge about those. I think they seldom need replacement. No rocks, sand, birds hitting them :)

I only also know my experience with front and rear seals for a Bavaria. No experience with an E9. Bavaria seals are pretty tough to find.
The reason that there are lots of e9 front windshields in America is because they don’t fit. It’s an endless routine of purchase, return, purchase, return.
restock hell is what I call it.
Bavaria seals are tough.

some are available- and cheap too!

Windshield seal BMW series E3 2500 - 3.0 Si narrow strip NEW!
Windshield seal BMW series E3 2500 - 3.0 Si narrow strip NEW!

€ 129.00 *
This is good news that E3 windshields are available in the US (bad news for me and my overpriced Euro sourced one) but I have to say I tried off and on for about 2 weeks trying to find one in the US to no avail. I called installers, hot rod shops, and even a local Mercedes shop that works on older diesels- no luck. If I got someone on the phone that was willing to talk I'd have them check availability and each time- nothing. I reached out to the big manufacturers that have offices in the US, BMW dealerships- nothing.
And like I mentioned in my resto thread, finding a willing installer once I had the windshield was almost impossible. I tracked down a mobile installer in Glendora (22 miles away)- "you're there? Uh, that's too far. Sorry". No one ever called back if I left a message. The guy I did eventually find asked me right off the bat- "how'd you get my number?"
Hold on to that guy, Dick.
So for clarification, Bavaria seals are thicker and not the thin version? Is there a way to verify what is on my car so I make sure to get the right stuff?
So for clarification, Bavaria seals are thicker and not the thin version? Is there a way to verify what is on my car so I make sure to get the right stuff?
There were two types of E3 front and rear windshield seals and anodized trim. Early cars had thinner trim and the seal was designed for it. Later cars had thicker trim and the seal that goes with it. Both styles will work as long as you have a match with the seal and the trim. You can't mix thick trim with the seal that takes the thin and visa versa. All the seals are super hard to find for both front and back windshields.

What year is your Bavaria?
Is the anodized trim strip that goes across the bottom of the windshield the same size as the rest of the trim strips around the windshield or is it wider?
Perfect description. The wide trim appeared in late summer 1973 with the Series 3 models for 3 litre models upwards only. The Bavaria models count as 2500, so thinner trim all the time.