E9 and E3 Front Subframe and Frame rails


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Atlanta GA
To no avail, I've done a 3 page search on "subframe" and "frame rails".

I'll post pictures of the boogered-up E9 front frame rails tonight. Original subframe is missing. Original owner wanted to be cool and welded-in an e36 subframe and rack.
I'm a bigger goober, I purchased it.
It is a mess. This car will be a tribute race car. (If I proceed with the project.) So, who cares about perfection.

To the point: Do the E9 and E3 share the same front frame rail and subframe dimensions?

I have access to an E3 front end, a torch, the ability to reweld, a frame alignment rig and some fantastic/talented friends.

Any ideas on dimensions?

Thanks in advance.

Hey Patton - I have a e9 that I am cutting up.
Good frame rails… good subframe.
Thank you , Don.

I think BDiegel, here in Atlanta, has access to two e3 cars.
Helpful input from HBChris tells me that I should “ cut and paste” stuff here in Atlanta.

Again, thanks so much.
Ditto your offer a while back to help with the tuning on my M88 engine. We’ve finally got it running like a top.


If/when you are in the area, I’m buying the beer!
Robert, as you know ... this is worth fixing correctly
Scott, not this shell. At best it will be a race car that will have soooo many patch panels for the rusted out floor....You've got to see it to believe it.
I should have never purchased the car.
