E9 in National Geographics


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Cupertino, CA
I was reading 1970 National Geographics at a friend's house. What a different place than today's world. A BMW add features a 2800CS. Adds for other cars seem like from a different millenium. Oops, they actually are. The magazine shows two invariants till today, the beauy of the coupe and life in Waziristan.
Gotta luv the old mags, I started collecting the old 2800cs ads/reviews, fun stuff.

Curious, which 2800cs ad was it? 'Auto Status' or 'SPA 24hrs'..?
Would your friend let you scan/copy it for the archives if its something different?

'70 2800cs
I can scan it. She has a few 1970 and a few 1973 but is gradually getting the whole collection. The adds were for the BMW brand, one of them was about how BMW made smooth running airplane turbines, and able to make piston motors in cars almost as smooth as turbines. The other was about how the car has both the character of a limo and a sports car.

Some of the reading is so anachronistic. Like the article on computer technology and the
marvelous things it can do. The airline adds can make you cry. How did we go from
roomy seats, gourmet dinning, and smiling classy air hostesses to crammed seats, plastic food, reheated coffee, and shoe removals. Progress is not always forward.
In the UK Channel 4 (Out of 5 terrestrial channels) has a digital channel called Film 4
THis is sponsored by BMW. THe "adverts" show people finding prestine old BMWs in garages and barns, for example they had a 2002turbo the other day!
I wish!