eBay Inka CSL Clone (right)


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Northern Colorado
Just in case anyone here is actually bidding on this rather clumsy attempt at a CSL clone, take careful note of the pic of the firewall on the right side, the vin has been cut out of the firewall, thus making any vin on the car highly suspect. This car has been knocking around for sale for a very long time for around fourteen grand. Also take note, the front seats are those thirty dollar dune buggy plastic buckets. It is very surprising it has attained the bidding price of nearly ten grand, considering what it needs.
Dan wrote:
Just in case anyone here is actually bidding on this rather clumsy attempt at a CSL clone, take careful note of the pic of the firewall on the right side, the vin has been cut out of the firewall, thus making any vin on the car highly suspect. This car has been knocking around for sale for a very long time for around fourteen grand. Also take note, the front seats are those thirty dollar dune buggy plastic buckets. It is very surprising it has attained the bidding price of nearly ten grand, considering what it needs.
Well, the high (shill) bidder is our buddy Evan (2000m5) Having all the bits, I placed a couple of bids and corresponded some with the seller, but thanks to Dan's eagle eyes, I am gonna stay far far away....besides, I don't need anOTHER hauler.
Whatever else can be said about the car, the VIN, listed as 2267904 makes no sense. The last 226xxxx VIN (for CSi up to 12/72) was 2266506, and all subsequent CSi's had prefixes other than 226.

Good eagle eye on the firewall cutout.
the orange cs....

Jeez...schill? No, I knda like this one as an inexpensive project to make the way I like it. And I am a sucker for inca. What is all this other blasphemous negative press out there on me regarding ebay. How about addressing me directly and getting the facts straight out there. Evan 415-298-3270.
...and that's not everything. We'll even throw in a free set of steak knives.
Re: the orange cs....

Jeez...schill? No, I knda like this one as an inexpensive project to make the way I like it. And I am a sucker for inca. What is all this other blasphemous negative press out there on me regarding ebay. How about addressing me directly and getting the facts straight out there. Evan 415-298-3270.

There's no such thing as an inexepensive e9 project. And if there were, it wouldn't be this car. It's a giant piece.
blasphemous negative press out there on me

Blasphemy? So you're a god? Puh-leeeeze. Last I checked, gods weren't busy squeezing money on the margins.

American Heritage Dictionary:
n. pl. blas·phe·mies

1. A contemptuous or profane act, utterance, or writing concerning God or a sacred entity.
2. The act of claiming for oneself the attributes and rights of God.
3. An irreverent or impious act, attitude, or utterance in regard to something considered inviolable or sacrosanct.