Factory color? <Picture is now up>


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New Jersey
Just been exploring my newly acquired 3.0cs euro. Among other mods, (4-speed conversion from auto. and switch to fuel injection) It was repainted from the original Polaris to a beautiful chestnut red. It even has a factory looking sticker with the name "Kastanienrot" on it. Is this a factory color, or a very well excecuted custom job? Was this possibly an "Induvidual" color one could get from Munich?

THe colour could be for a specific market only or from another BMW model, of the same time period as the E9. E3 E12 spring to mind
Kastanienrot is an E12, E21, and maybe early E24 colour. It was one of the only 2 correct reds for my 81 323i, along with Hennarot. In the end, I went with Zinnoberrot, but Kastanienrot was a final 3 choice. Great colour when it's new. When it fades, it looks like a watermelon.

I had a 1980 Euro 635CSI, and that was it's original color! The color looks great at sunset, and I would always get comment from ladies on how nice the color was.
Thanks for the replies!

Thanks gentlemen, what an exciting experience this has been! I will post pics and trip notes soon....
Good Question

According to Mobile Tradition the car was originaly sold to the German market, so I assume the lites were added at the time if importation.

Quite a striking color....can't waiy to see it.
And Len we will get together....hope its still 6/17. Just pray for good weather.

Did any Euro country require the secondary turn signal lights, or was that done when it came to the US?

The side repeater "running" lights are a US/Canada, maybe Mexico? thing only, even nowadays

In Europe side repeater indicators (turn signals) are, and have been for a while now, but only at the front 1/3 of the vehicle. Hence a lot of new stuff has them built into the door mirrors

Depending on the year of manufacture whoever imported Pecsok's car would of had to bring it up to that years federal specs.... It would not of been classified as a "grey" import as it was available on the US market from BMW

Ok, Ok Where's my Anorak? :wink:
