Flaming on CSR


Well-Known Member
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San Francisco
I don't know how many of you are on the coupe registry email list, but there has been a rebellion going on there, with people protesting Art W.'s OT ranting.

I was wondering how many of us here are on that list and what the thoughts about it are here. I'll start it off: I policitally probably argee with Art more than I disagree with him, but his rants bore me. So, I end up deleting most before even reading them. Same, I'm sad to say, for the most of the posts on that list. So why do I remain? I'm wondering the same thing myself.....
not wishing to offend, but is the cross-boards flame more interesting?
I left the CSR over a year ago. I felt like all the people that had interesting stories to tell, and good advice to give, were here now. So thanks again to Dan for creating this forum.

Frankly I get all the Coupe content I can stand here, and I don't miss the CSR list at all. Too often the topics were about how Pertronix will fix everything, and to always install genuine BMW windshields..............yawn.
I gave that list up 2-3 years ago. I got very tired of both of the list owners rants. Good content here though.

I was a "member" of that group about ten years ago, or longer. Sounds like things haven't changed a bit. First someone says something that offends someone else, then all the personal emails fly around behind the scene, then one of the personal emails gets posted on the distribution email list and it starts all over again. I tried to get people on the list to agree to a forum of some kind and that started a whole new flame throwing contest! LOL! My point was that a forum is just there, all the time, so you go to it, it doesn't come to you, so if you don't feel like sifting through a bunch of crap to get to a few good topics you don't have to.

Anyway, like I've said before, the reason I didn't mind starting this site up (with help) is because of the people who use it. You guys make it very very easy to administer this forum.
Off Topic

Oh yeah, I deleted the Off Topic forum because it wasn't getting used, but if you guys want to talk politics, basketball or home improvement I can put it back...

drifted away from the CS Registry

I quit the registry 4 years ago. The rants and general hostility towards technical depth drove me away. I have found that many of the technical folks that posted on the registry have turned up here, which is what makes this such a compelling forum. The atmosphere is friendlier, and more informative.
I'm on it , don't rate it, I don't think its the same csr as it was in the 80's and 90's when they sent out the booklets. I have a bundle of them and they are packed full of helpful info, Charlie if you are out there you done a cracking job Thanks
Art I don't know about , he does seem a little bitter and hostile to us on the west coast


I've changed my eMail address and haven't bothered to update the CSR site. Frankly, I don't see any reason to; this forum is excellent. I think what bothered me most of all was the air of reluctance to treat our cars as true, valuable classics that premeated the site. I understand that there are plenty of rust buckets out there, but the really good cars deserve better...
I think what bothered me most of all was the air of reluctance to treat our cars as true, valuable classics that premeated the site. I understand that there are plenty of rust buckets out there, but the really good cars deserve better...

Funny, I would have called it just the opposite. I think the ratio of normal car enthusiasts to members of the Royal Anal Order of the Q-tip is much better on this board. Some of the most enthusiastic car guys left the CSR long ago when they tired of being criticized every time they did something non-original to their car. It's amusing to watch someone wax eloquent over Paul Cain's 3.8CSi in one breath, and in the next take someone to task over tossing their school bus steering wheel.

There are plenty of great people on the CSR list. Like any community, it has its wingnuts and self imposed arbiters of right, wrong and spelling, but for the most part they keep it under control. I think Art has reached an age where others opinions of him add little value to his life. I've been there forever, I've just chosen to keep my rants in check. I have the Senior Six GoPostal list when I need an outlet...

:oops: OK sorry! It was me. I started it! :oops:

I was playing catch up on my CSR emails. I read through a whole bunch of emails which were mainly all completely non E9 related, and mostly Art's opinion on everything. World politics, middle eastern politics, US political, local government stuff. A whole lot of wind and piss really.

So, I posted a message saying I had unsubscribed from the board for the reasons described, and that I had moved over here where the talk was mainly cars and no crap. I thanked those on the board who had helped me over the years, and put in a plug for this site.

That was it. Storm in a teacup really. I received a load of email goodbyes, many of whom said they just deleted anything from Art and read the car related stuff. Several other members posted to say I had prompted them to jump ship as well for the same reasons. No rebellion!

I did not really flame Art or anyone else connected with the CSR - I know an awful lot of the stuff they do is a thankless task. A large number of people on that group are very decent folk and have my utmost respect and good wishes.

So, I'm glad to be here, and hope y'all gonna still speak to me!
Both the CSR site and this one were very helpful to me when I was searching for my coupe, so I certainly appreciate the effort put in by all that admin these sites. I don't know; I've run into this with other car forums. After a while, the last thing discussed are the cars themselves! Politics, religion, speeding tickets, business opportunities, and of course, girls. Anything but the cars we joined the forum for in the first place! I guess if you're in the middle of a project car, or have a problem at hand, then most people stick to the topic. Otherwise, thoughts stray to other things...
I dunno Dave - It depends on your opinion of the blood sucking capitalist hegemony that is the US retail establishment manifested by big box shopping centers and strip malls telling us what to feel, what to buy, how to look, how to feel - all supported by the right wing religious right who seek same with belief added in, and the fanatical eco-facist left who want to legislate how my car runs 25 years after the fact while disavowing any knowledge of punctuation in the finest Faulknerian style.

Not to mention anyone who doesn't agree with my views on everything else!!

Seriously though, I too grew tired of the rants.. and just sort of faded away..

This is a much more congenial group.


Dave B said:
:oops: OK sorry! It was me. I started it! :oops:

So, I'm glad to be here, and hope y'all gonna still speak to me!

No worries. Your message was tame. It was the day or two afterwords where the pyschos (from both sides) came out that was really weird. Interesting dynamic on that list.....
Er CSR - never heard of it until now - been here since getting the dear old bucket, works for me knowing there are fellow car "nutters" out there :D


No worries. Your message was tame. It was the day or two afterwords where the pyschos (from both sides) came out that was really weird. Interesting dynamic on that list.....

I resemble that remark... :twisted: