For sale: Headliner material from SMS Auto Fabrics


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Kirkland WA
For sale: Headliner material from SMS Auto Fabrics

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In a way it is the closest to the look of the original, but not really the same
They copied the dimples and the fine orthogonal lines, but the definition is softer
They made this pattern up for a member's CSL

I have 2 pieces from them:

I was planning on using one of these but found some original material (or what I believe to be original)

One piece is too gray, also a too glossy
It is ~53 inches wide and 66 inches long (1.83 yards)
$85 plus shipping from 81505

The second piece is close-ish to the correct color but probably a little to much tan cast
It is ~52 3/4 inches wide and 49 3/4 inches long (1.38 yards)
$68 plus shipping from 81505

No idea why the lengths are odd, that is what they sent me

The material is not paper thin like the aftermarket liner I removed from my car
Similar or maybe a little thinner than what I ended up using

You would probably want to paint either piece
The visor panel and visors in my car were painted black
I had a paint mixed to the color of the headliner I am using and painted the visors and panel and they came out fine despite having to use a somewhat heavy coat to cover the black, so I think this would be easy

SMS sold this to me for $75 a yard, plus shipping
I found them very difficult to deal with, to get to the second piece, the better color one, took about a year!

In the photo the original BMW material is on the left and the SMS on the right
That is the 'gray' SMS piece
It is difficult to capture the color and texture in a photo but hopefully gives you a good idea
The dimples in the original piece, in the photo, are not as pronounced as I see in my visors and visor panel

E9 headliner DSC_0632.JPG
they installed two types -from the factory
dimples in front and the linear in the back
fairly standard esp the 74.