Front Window Elevator Spring


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Houston, Tx
Hi, i wanted to clean and lubricate the front window elevator and to my surprise, my left side did not have any spring tension. I was just wondering if the spring tension could be fixed or i would have to buy anther one which i am trying to avoid. Here are some pictures to try and explain myself better. Any help would be greatly appreciated. -Victor
In my opinion, you don't need to worry about it. I have removed those springs from the regulators on my coupe and haven't noticed any difference.
Problem is usually the spring breaks. Yours is fine just reset it by rotating counter clockwise to hook onto the post at 4 oclock in your first pic. You can get around the post by lifting the spring up enough without disconnecting from the center post, then push everything down.....then figure out how it sprang off the post in the first place. I say, use it since you have it and it's a 2 min fix. If the center post is rotating, that's another story. deQ has a post on it's repair if you are so inclined.