gaps of the hood to front panel and sidepanel in millimeters


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The Haque
can anyone tell me the gaps of the hood to the sidepanel and to the front panel in millimeters so i can fit it the RIGHT way (sorry for my english :) )
We cannot give you exact measurements because the cars are basically hand built in the days before laser alignments etc
The best thing to do is fit it and adjust it so the gaps are even....
Suggest you get at least one person to help you so you don't do any damage to the bonnet (hood) or other parts of the car!!!
It will take time and be frustrating so be patient!

With the front grilles and the radiator removed add the hinges to the bonnet, not tight, but tight enough so the only move with alittle "effort".

Put the bonnet back in the aperture move it around for best fit so it looks "right", then working in the nose line up the hinges with the nose cone mounting points.
Reach in though where radiator used to be and push up the front of the bonnet, have somebody place a block of wood or similar under it.
Tighten hinges to bonnet
remove block
lower bonnet, check gaps etc, ok? if not loosen hinges and start again, if ok mount hinges to nose cone open bonnet and fit required hardware.