Garage Time YouTube channel


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Milwaukee, WI
I'm wondering if anyone else follows the YouTube channel Garage Time. This is a weekly vlog from a guy named Tom Perazzo. While his projects are both Porsche, what I like is that his MO is similar to mine. He is not a professional car restorer - rather this is his hobby. He talks through pretty much everything he is working through, and many of his methods seem similar to mine. There are differences, too. But I enjoy it and find inspiration.

He's been finishing up a 911 retromod, and below is his summary of costs on that project:

The thing that shocks me about his cost summary is how much lower it is than anything we can touch with an e9, or frankly lower than what I understand as 911 costs. It seems to me you can't get into the 911 game for four times this much. So I don't know how it adds up.

He just returned to his 356 project, and this week he started with the steering box. Interestingly, I was just fooling around with my steering box last night, so the timing was perfect (even though his is a manual ZF box whereas my CS has the power steering ZF unit).
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Netherlands, Eindhoven area
Well done & a good example about how choices can be made.

I can kinda get that; 10000 seems possible when a fender is just 200 dollar. I've seen E9 fenders pass for ten times that...
But in all honesty, his target was 10000, and he did not achieve it. He did came close, sure did. All-in-all I'm sure he stayed comfortably below 15K which is still not much for a nice driver.
Having a friends helps a lot (I can't do without). Having access to a paint booth saved him a few hunderd usd, and using a 1200 dollar half OK engine does too.
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I've just been informed by one of my colleague having 12 years old Porsche Panamera Turbo, that he's car got a pair of brand new ceramic front discs.
Price: 12 000 USD for a front pair (without labor and the pads!).

Good in a bad for him, it was paid by insurance company.
He was smart or lucky to pay "some money" (being only a part of the discs price) from Porsche while he was buying the car.