Gas Filler Door


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So Cal
Is there a secret to getting the Gas filler door back on (nuts in particular). I have spent about two hours maybe more working on this, seems like longer and Im totally frustrated now even more than sometime my girlfriend get me. My hands now so swollen, red and bruised. I got the boot back on pretty easily and I can get the door back in place on the studs but the studs just do not seem to be long enough or the rubber suddenly seems to have got thicker and getting the nuts on yet with a washer seems to be almost impossible. Im still working on this. I'm getting disparate. Even thinking of shaving the rubber? Heating the rubber? Any suggestions? Going to work on something else for a while.
Just did this. What a pain. Here is what I did when all else failed.

With it off the car, i unclipped the door spring. One end slips into a hole on the door bracket. This will help you get it seated on the studs.

With the door and rubber boot slipped onto the studs, I then pulled the boot inside-out. That lets you get a wrench on the three nuts. I didnt use washers. Just nylon locking nuts.

Then you need to slip the spring back into place and turn the boot back.

I put some painters tape around the door and car to keep from scratching things.

Hope that helps.
Guys, sorry to slightly hijack this but is the fuel filler door supposed to have a sticker -- in a Euro model?