gas tank


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co springs, goliad/corpus, tx
the gas tank in my 2800 has a large crack across the top and has become paper thin due to corrosion resulting from 20 years sitting with the same gas in it. so... does anyone either have a gas tank, know where i can get a gas tank, or know what other gas tanks will fit the CS?
Don't completely give up on what you have-- A radiator repair shop may be able to repair your tank.

Your best bet would be to find someone locally that can tell you for sure that what you have isn't usable, and then contact the usual sources.
Tanks can be lined...

various suppliers sell epoxy products or kits to coat the inside of gas tanks.

There's Kreem that the bikers use; Eastwood and POR-15 have products; if you look in Hemmings you'll probably find more. Any of these, successfully applied, would address the "thinning" you claim. But I suspect the problem is pit corrosion leading to many incipient pinholes. Anyway, welding up any cracks, followed by the cleaning and coating using these products, will bring you back.

There was also a poster who took apart the two halves of the tank and addressed things in the open, then had it welded back together.
im not sure about the pinholes, i noticed the crack in the gas tank but its at a mechanic's shop right now (they got it runing, woohoo) and they're the ones who say it is "paper thin" i was going to just repair the crack w/ gasket maker, and right now i really don't see it as a big issue as far as driving the thing 25 miles from the shop to my house in goliad, but maybe it is a safety issue, i duno
no safety issue

just a little duct tape over the crack in the fuel tank.

Then you're all set for a flash of lightning, crack of thunder... and you're "out beyond radio".

Seriously, if these guys have it out, get some preparation, inert the tank and weld the crack, then get an internal epoxy job. Then (only then) it ought to be off the list.