In case someone else runs into this issue...
I purchased a set of one piece Style 5 16" wheels. The seller did not have the tool to remove the center caps. These caps are kind of unique in that they require a very unusual tool to remove them. I didn't think too much about it until I tested the wheels on the car and realized I had no way to remove them.
I didn't have time to go buy the tool at the dealer so I took a piece of steel from a Home Depot generic bracket. I drilled two 1/4" holes 10cm apart and then two more as far out as I could.
Then I bolted two short 1/4" bolts facing one way 10cm apart and two longer ones facing the other way in the outer holes. The 1/4" bolts just fit inside the grooves that are routed in the cap. I then held the two longer bolt and used that to twist the cap off.
Quick n dirty temp tool.
Note that if I was going to keep using this, I would file the threads of the bolts to get a smoother contact patch inside the cap grooves and of course, tidy the whole thing up a bit.
I purchased a set of one piece Style 5 16" wheels. The seller did not have the tool to remove the center caps. These caps are kind of unique in that they require a very unusual tool to remove them. I didn't think too much about it until I tested the wheels on the car and realized I had no way to remove them.
I didn't have time to go buy the tool at the dealer so I took a piece of steel from a Home Depot generic bracket. I drilled two 1/4" holes 10cm apart and then two more as far out as I could.
Then I bolted two short 1/4" bolts facing one way 10cm apart and two longer ones facing the other way in the outer holes. The 1/4" bolts just fit inside the grooves that are routed in the cap. I then held the two longer bolt and used that to twist the cap off.
Quick n dirty temp tool.
Note that if I was going to keep using this, I would file the threads of the bolts to get a smoother contact patch inside the cap grooves and of course, tidy the whole thing up a bit.
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