Goodwood breakfast club


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London UK
hello all.

I thought i'd bring this one up early to see who's interested. Even if you're not that interested in looking at other cars, its worth going just for the drive down there on empty roads at 7am on a sunday morning. I went down last year with a procession of 911's, in fact it was the day my brakes failed and the last time i drove my car...

05/08/2007 - Deutsch Marques

I'll be there James.

I will try to make it to all and not just the German day as, like you say, it a good drive down there - fast convoy through the lanes and passing italian exotica broken by the roadside. The only caveat is that I am not going if heavy rain is forecast like last month.


I ain't lugging the bucket down on a trailer, not much fun without er well er just about everything :oops:
Would a lowly 2002tii be acceptable I wonder...
A friend of mine goes every year, flys all the way from San Diego. Says its to visit his 95 year old mum but I know its really for Goodwood. I'll tell him to look for the coupes.

james - count me in too. let's hope the old bill fancy a lie in on the day !
brilliant, i'll post again nearer to the date and we can sort out a meeting place.

Saying that, we should maybe try an sort a meet before that date anyway, just a pub lunch or something where we can all stand and admire each others e9's over a pint...

Finally got my CSL back on friday after 6 months at the mechanics. The blokes more like a magician than a mechanic, i picked it up and drove back to my parents in birmingham and it feels like a completely different car. The responsiveness and power compared to how it was before are unbelievable, plus instead of the usual £130 i was spending on petrol for a round trip, it only cost me £70.

If the weathers good i'm going to take it up to Wales at the weekend so hopefully should have some pics to post next week with a long list of things that i've had done. I'm bursting to tell someone, know one else i know gives a toss...
James, good to hear the car is going well. What did the mechanic do to it?

I'm up for a pub meet sometime soon, perhaps this weekend?

afraid i can't make this weekend, what about next?

It originally went in to have the brakes fixed but here's the list of everything i can remember that was done...

fitted reconditioned brake servos and new brake pads
new handbrake
new centre track rod and outer track rods

new windscreen
new rubbers for front and back screens
replaced drivers electric window regulator
fixed problem with rear windows not going down or shutting properly
( this was due to plates that had been welded into the wheel arch that had forced the motor mounting forward )

changed to 9 blade fan + viscous coupling
new water pump
new steering pump as the old one was the wrong pressure
new rad cap

new Bilstein HD's front and back
Alpina 16" wheels

new blower motor for the fan

He also did a full service and tune and found that the CO2 was off the scale as the timing had been so badly retarded to work around other problems. It's now running at 2.7%. There was also a series of other problems that were due to blockages that he sorted out.
james - was all this work done by gary at autobhan or have you got someone else in the london area who did all this for you ?
he gets good press, he has a lovely ceylon csi. I had him do some work on a modern bmw not long ago and he is a nice guy.
just thought i'd post a reminder.

The 'German Marques' is coming up at the start of august ( 05/08/2007 ) and it would be cool to get as many e9's down to goodwood as possible. Like i said before, the best thing's the early morning drive down on empty country roads, but also, as we've tried and failed to organise anything to date, this could be the chance we've all been waiting for to talk shit over an excessively priced bacon sandwich and cup of coffee thats been boiled to within an inch of it's life.

Myself an Paul T went down to the last one in June, creating an e9 'convoy' down the M23...





