goodwood photos


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London UK
Brillliant to see everyone there yesterday. As Rohan mentioned, there were 7 csl's there in total, which is not bad considering the DVLA reckon there are only 11 ( as tyler's just recently registered his ) CSL's registered in the UK.

Below are the photos i took and for anyone who was there or just interested, i've also zipped up the originals for download ( 27 Mb ) on the link below.











Tidy 8)
Now I'll just have that wing mirror off the blue one, and a door off the red one.......... :twisted:
As if!
Looks like a beautiful day too
Great pics! Thanks to James for rallying all of us up at 5am for a great drive through the countryside.
Stunning! Just what I need to see.... get mr @rse into gear and get those niggly bits done ( bootlid, rear bumper, and few small other jobs ) then I wanna comer down to a future meet.

What a lovely collection of cars.

Only have a CSi mind, but you can hide mine in the middle and someone can lean on the bootlid so the poor relative is not so obvious! :oops: :twisted:

Malc - fancy a CS convoy cross-border raid once D.O.B. is up an running? Imagine both Scotland's CSi's out of the country together!!
excellent pictures, will anyone be going to the 25th CSL/M Power meeting at donnington on 17th September 08??
Thanks Neil.
P.S i was at Gaydon bmw car club meet 5th August and there was 3 CSL s there inc mine, so that makes 10 with you guys at goodwood!! so where was number 11?? any ideas.
cheers Glenn. Considering how bad the rest of our summer has been it was a minor miracle that we managed to get such a beautiful day. The sunshine really helped bring out the colour of the cars.

Dave, you and you're csi are more than welcome! We'll stick you at end of the row and i can crop you off later in photoshop, like an unwanted family member at a wedding! :shock:
We were expecting a couple of csi's but they were no shows. Also my CSL badge fell off on the way down ( like many parts that the PO appears to have stuck on ), so i was left with a 'no more nails' squiggle instead.

Neil, any pics of the Gaydon meet? What colour csl's were there?