Handbrake Release Button

HB Chris

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Huntington Beach, CA
A few weeks ago my handbrake button decided to separate itself from threaded rod and spring inside the handbrake handle. I have the button and washer but can't exert enough pressure on the rod to screw the button back on. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to reinstall the button? Thanks in advance.
Trick question??

I am not sure I read your post correctly, but I recently encountered someone in another model who said she couldn't depress the hand brake release button. The grip had slid too far forward so that it prevented full depression of the button. Moving the grip was the obvious answer.

I have not disassembled the parking brake assembly recently. But it seems to me that all one would have to do is unbolt the two parking brake cables under the rubberized parking brake handle cover. In so doing, I would think you could move the handle upright to easily reattach/rehook the button.

I would guess you could alternatively remove the E, or is it C, clips from the post upon which the handle pivots. This would provide easy access to the underside of the handle.

While you are looking at the handle, pay careful attention to the welds around the oval parking brake assembly and where it meets the transmission tunnel. The very few examples I have seen, where the hand brake is regularly used, show signs of fatigue (cracking).

Good luck.
Handbrake Button

The threaded rod inside the handle is tensioned by the spring that slides over it, trying to screw the release button back on with the spring in place with enough force causes the release mechanism to work as intended meaning the rod retracts leaving no room to grab and twist the button.
I took a look at the shop manual and it doesn't offer up any particular advice. However, I suspect that if you remove the rubber boot you should be able to put a screw driver or similar behind the rod which the button screws into and prevent it from moving back while you tighten the botton.
parking brake "locking segment"

The design of the hand brake is virtually identical to other models including the 2002. So, it may be that looking at another diagram may be more helpful. Realoem does not appear to be that helpful.

Returning to the issue at hand, from memory, the "hook" attaches over a "locking ratchet". My guess is that the ratchet needs to be rotated. I seem to recall being able to stick my finger into the handle portion that shrouds the ratchet - to accomplish this. Unfortunately, describing the process is more difficult then actually performing the fix. It is very simple.

I know this sounds like I am beating a dead horse, but if you are ham fisted, by removing the center pin and thereby allowing the slack to be removed from the handle, you will likely have enough room to flip the locking lever or at least have a decent idea of what I am describing.

If all else fails, go visit coupe king in Wilmington. From what I understand, he is decent fellow and may just let you look at the handle pieces or offer you some other assistance.
Just in case it helps - Factory manual diagram:


I think you are correct, I probably need to remove the bolt (that used to be a pin, courtesy of Paul Cain) that holds the handle and then lift it up to hold the rod.