Harebrained Scheme to Drive to Vladivostock -> Car Ferry to SK -> Car Ferry to Japan


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Vero Beach
... has anyone here attempted this or know someone who has? The origination would be somewhere in Western Europe. I know that pre-COVID some intrepid motorcyclists would ferry direct from Vladivostock to Japan, but that ferry seems to have been suspended. I'm in the nascent stages of planning a similar journey, though if it's not possible in this day and age then I'll just ship directly to Japan under a temporary import permit.
What route does Peking Paris rally take? Look that up. You could do it in reverse. It avoids Russia entirely, I believe. Given the Russian government's propensity to kidnap Americans and hold them indefinitely for minor crimes, I would be wary.
What route does Peking Paris rally take? Look that up. You could do it in reverse. It avoids Russia entirely, I believe. Given the Russian government's propensity to kidnap Americans and hold them indefinitely for minor crimes, I would be wary.
That was my thinking (and part of my inspiration), and as I understand it rallies in years prior spent a lot of time in Russia -- too much time, to the point that there were complaints owing to safety and the organizers shifted to Kazakhstan in this most recent one. They then somehow get across the Black Sea to Azerbaijan, traverse Georgia and Turkey and Greece and the Adriatic to San Marino and finish in Paris. But China seems to be very difficult to drive through owing to their seeming requirement that you drive with a handler. I think the P2P guys have handlers on the route but not in their car. Then it seems that there is no ferry service between China and its neighbors currently... or at least so far as I can tell, and especially no car ferry.
I would rather drive the Panamericana to South America and somehow cross the Darien Gap than deal with Russia.
True, it does not get to Japan.
@Dirk has done Peking to Paris in a Ponton Mercedes Rally Car. Last year was a Rally across Desert through Jordan. Kids threw rocks at the passing cars & shattered the Ponton's windshield, it was the held together with clear packing & painters tape. He & Alexandra have been all around the world on various tours..

Would be quite the adventure driving longitudinally from the tip of Cape Horn in Chile to the most Northern point above the Arctic Circle of Alaska over to Northern Europe South to the Rock of Gibraltar, across to Northern Africa then Head South to the Cape of Good Hope.
Agree that a long trek would be a lot of fun.

If you get a chance it is worth watching the motorcycle adventures of Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman on their three series "Long way round," "Long way down," and "long way up."

Times have certainly changed since the first of these were filmed, but in each they speak to some of the political and social risk of traveling through some countries / areas.
I've always had a love for long trips. Here are the two I've done in the past year -- the red just concluding this past week, I think for blue I was gone from like Oct. 27 to Dec. 14., east coast was Jul. 12 to Sept. 18. All this was done in the G, though I had initially planned to take the SL...

It's a shame how difficult it is to traverse similarly long ways in other parts of the world.