Headlight bucket refurbish



Taking these apart is a bit tricky, but easy once it makes sense. I remove the two springs first. Then loosen (extend) the two adjustment screws most of the way (you may want to lube them up a bit). There is a pinch washer under the thumb turn that grabs the tab of the silver bucket. You should then just need to push them outward (use a flat edge & something to tap with). There is enough play in the plastic nut securing the stud into the black frame to allow it to pivot away from the silver tangs. Take some photos before disassembly, since they go back a certain way.
how much "persuasion" do they need?
Sprayed with P Blaster and the screw will not slip out of the slot also, mine have only one spring...
They were very stubborn. The photo below shows the tabs so you can see what you are up against. The round portion of the bolt between the pinch washers snaps into this tab. Can you turn the two washer rings that pinch the bucket tab? Try loosening these a bit by turning and maybe a gentle pry/twist with a screwdriver into the open end of the tang to help spread the washers. Whack a bit harder on the side of the washer just below the black turning nut.

You are right, there is only one spring - my mistake.


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Before I completely destroy mine as I try to force these bolts out of their little prison, does anyone have any tricks to make this less destructive, apart from brute force?

No matter how much I try and spread those little "washers" and push the bolt out of that little opening, nothing seems to move. I am concerned that I am about to bend the tab.
Use a good lube, try needle nose pliers or larger to lever/pull them out. It's amazing how hard they are to remove.