Heater box question: What is this part?


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What is part #10? On the realoem schematic it shows the same part number as #09 which is the L shaped foam on the back of the heater box

Screen Shot 2022-03-06 at 10.30.09 AM.png
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Isn't that what part 11 is? 10 is square cornered.
Hm, you're right. I didn't look well enough.

So then it must be a double layer on the interior side. Cant think of anything else.
Doesn't the firewall have a flat surface there, and the heater box as well?

Only way to know for sure is to measure the gap when the heater box is installed: then you know what gap the foam has to bridge.

Basic function is to seal off the hole, making sure no water and as less sound as possible enters. As long as that is achieved, you should be ok.
#9 goes between the heater core and the housing to keep the heater core from moving around. I used an extra piece of foam on the back side of the core to help keep things tight.
Oc coupe, are you saything number 9, goes inside the housing, to keep the core stable, within the housing, as opposed to sitting between the housing and firewall?
@daicos35 , in my car there was originally only a single layer of foam around the heater core, inside the box. See the 2 pictures below as it was coming straight out of the car. I think the heater box was never opened before, as the nuts and clamps on the outside had no wear marks.
I can see that foam residue is stuck on my firewall, but if this is from #10 and #9 or only #10 is not clear, as it all fused into one crumbly mess.

So for me, it is unlikely that foam piece #10 is inside the box.
But with #10 not being inside, I deduct #10 must have been placed on the outside.

Having #10 on the outside also makes sense when looking at the order in which the images are placed in the drawing. Surely #9 is on the outside as the contour matches perfectly the shape on the outside.

Let's see what others have seen, and if @OCCoupe has some input as per your question in the previous post.

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There is a piece of foam between the core and the box as OCCoupe stated. Erik's photo in the lower left shows part of it wrapping around the core. It should stop at the inlet/outlet and then a smaller piece along the lower edge. Basically around 3 of the 4 core edges with a gap for the pipes. This allows for a snug, no motion fit in the box. Then there is the foam as shown in Erik's first photo...between the box and firewall inside the cabin. Then #11 and #12 on the engine side of the firewall.
Here is part #9:


And parts #11 and #12.
(Note that the foamy part #11 is shown here "inside out", ie with the cut out section that fits inside the hole in the firewall facing camera. )

So #10 must be going on the interior side of the firewall. But then it duplicates the purpose of #9
interesting- basically 11, ensures the pipes dont hit the firewall vertically, and plug the hole in the firewall.. by the time you sqeeze the pipe down and clamp them, they are pressing part 12, onto 11..

has anyone seen part 12 and 11 anywhere? part 11 is quite crucial.. i only have part 9, (times 2, to take place of part 10)... 11 and 12 are loooong gone :)
Both 11 and 12 are very important. As you said, they keep heater pipes from rubbing against the firewall and they keep water and engine heat from entering the cabin.

The foam part 11 can be carved by hand out of closed cell foam.