Horn Pad Removal


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I purchased a Nardi steering wheel. I am struggling mightily trying to remove horn pad.

I have the Tech Manual whereby it shows a long slender tool pushing the horn pad outward. I attempted this pushing action in addition to all the pulling force my fingertips could muster- to no avail.

I’m seriously contemplating the crow bar to remove the horn pad , but thought I’d check here first for tips or reasons why it is so bloody stubborn. Interesting to note that horn hasn’t worked since I purchased my 72 E9 in March 2024.

And is the Nardi steering wheel install straightforward or that will also test my mettle?

This is my first post as a new member , so here goes!
the nardi wheel is easy to install / remove. it has 6 machine screws that fasten the wheel to the hub and the hub fastens to the column with the bolt onto the column ... all you have to do is to easily pry the cover ring off (its a magnet - not tough), which will give you easier access to remove the horn button which gives you access to the column nut within the hub.
Welcome. You're referring to the horn button? It's usually held in under spring tension. I slide a credit card in between the wheel and button and work it around to separate them enough to get something wider in there for more until it pops off. If you are not worried about scratching the wheel then a small metal putty knife can be used in the same manner.
Every tool box should have a 4140 tool. Available on Amazon and other sites.

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Not clear - are you trying to remove the center pad from your existing steering wheel?
If so, posting a picture of it would be helpful. Original 1972 should just pull straight out.... but things might have changed since then.