Horn troubleshooting


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San Francisco, CA
So I'm trying to troubleshoot my horn and I've confirmed that the horn does work but I'm not getting 12 volts to the carbon pin behind the steering wheel.

Should that pin have a constant, unswitched 12 volts?
For E3 it is so called KL15 (ignition on), but the relay is supplied from KL30 (premenent battery).

In general ...
You can tell by the color of the wire.
If the red is leading color - permanent batter
When the green is leading - switched
Leading brown - negative terminal (switched/permanent)

I would expect the same for E9.
So making a short at the horn relay or checking continuity (ohmmeter or bulb tester) you can check the wiring and operation.
Well, I feel silly. I thought the power to the horn was permanent (unswitched) but I thought I'd give it a shot with the ignition on and viola... It works

So @Krzysztof it appears to be the same as the E3.