I had the regulator and motor out of the car.
I learnt by trial and error, that the black casing comes right out/off by just pulling it off. One hand on gearbox and the other on the black case, and pull really hard.
No worries inside.
Somebody on the board told me about the small screw which tightens the axle so that it doesn´t wobble, esp when changing direction. The screw had some blue paint on its head. Probably a factory setting. I tightened it slightly to prevent the wobble.
I have now cleaned and regreased the channels and all other moving parts....
BUT I cannot see the sort of major change in speed of operation that I have had with other coupes. They have all had the early style regulator and sardine style motor.
My conclusion is that the later style motors are slower in operation than the early style. By later style, I mean the integrated motor/gearbox with black plastic cover over motor.
I have another later style motor (from the rear window of a >74 car) on the bench and I judge that they operate at very similar, slower speed than the sardine boxes !!!!
To clarify: it is an early 73 car which would normally have the early motors on all 4 windows. This car has evidently had the regulators and motors, in the doors, changed sometime in the past.I have never seen this setup in the doors. Not even my 74 coupe have them in the doors.