How many of the E9 coupes still exist?


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do any of you guys have idea?

how many of them restored?

thx for answers
Nobody really knows, but based on other threads on this board, there are between 6000-3000 E9s of any kind left. Search for it if you want the full thread.
I know there was a thread on this when I first joined the board. I'm actually shocked, surprised and saddened that the one CS registry doesn't post these numbers as well as the registry entries, VINs etc of the car that they have on file.

I think it was proposed before and I propose it again to establish a PUBLIC registry on this board for CS, CSi, and CSL coupes with VIN and any other history on our cars to help others with research for these cars.
Surprised that the CS Registry doesn't--

have an accurate record of CS's that are on four wheels!!!

I'm not surprised--if my memory serves me correctly--it does occasionally--soon after the present "keepers" of this once fine informational source for Coupedom--the Registry--had volunteered their services and they were annointed eeerrr accepted and appointed--the pair of college professors had egos that seemed to need to be expressed frequently and it was displayed in every communication--their ranting and spilling of their superior knowledge of all subjects--many of which were unrelated to Coupes--on those of us with little formal education other than decades of experience in many trenches of life other than the rare and purified "Airs of Academia"--caused many to gag on that crap!! and many distanced themselves from the publication.

What had been carefully, faithfully developed by committed volunteers over several years from inception to near maturity by Coupesters who were dedicated to Coupe causes--the original Register had evolved into the Registry--and what had been a reliable source of Coupe information was allowed to become a bully pulpit for subjects brought up that were far removed from the purpose for which it had been launched. For one I quickly distanced myself from such arrogance and know-it-allness that in a brief period of time had rendered that former source useless to many of us--some of us were among the early subcribers and dues payers in the early days when a Quarterly printed source of Coupe information came by snail mail--we looked forward to receiving it as it was true to its purpose.

The registry has now became an emasculated, withered shadow of what it could have been--today--perhaps the msg board member who at the age of 42 reported he is retiring could volunteer to wrest it from the Professors clutches and rescue this once time honored Coupe reference from the dust it is becoming--just my rambling commentary on the past and thought that could perhaps salvage it--it is now useless except for some remmnants of information long ago assembled!!!
i have an information regarding number of 2800 CS still running in Germany
According to german AA there are -if I recall correctly- approx.160 examples still on road.
don't know if this data is correct,or authentic though.
Re: Surprised that the CS Registry doesn't--

have an accurate record of CS's that are on four wheels!!!

I'm not surprised--if my memory serves me correctly--it does occasionally--soon after the present "keepers" of this once fine informational source for Coupedom--the Registry--had volunteered their services and they were annointed eeerrr accepted and appointed--the pair of college professors had egos that seemed to need to be expressed frequently and it was displayed in every communication--their ranting and spilling of their superior knowledge of all subjects--many of which were unrelated to Coupes--on those of us with little formal education other than decades of experience in many trenches of life other than the rare and purified "Airs of Academia"--caused many to gag on that crap!! and many distanced themselves from the publication.

What had been carefully, faithfully developed by committed volunteers over several years from inception to near maturity by Coupesters who were dedicated to Coupe causes--the original Register had evolved into the Registry--and what had been a reliable source of Coupe information was allowed to become a bully pulpit for subjects brought up that were far removed from the purpose for which it had been launched. For one I quickly distanced myself from such arrogance and know-it-allness that in a brief period of time had rendered that former source useless to many of us--some of us were among the early subcribers and dues payers in the early days when a Quarterly printed source of Coupe information came by snail mail--we looked forward to receiving it as it was true to its purpose.

The registry has now became an emasculated, withered shadow of what it could have been--today--perhaps the msg board member who at the age of 42 reported he is retiring could volunteer to wrest it from the Professors clutches and rescue this once time honored Coupe reference from the dust it is becoming--just my rambling commentary on the past and thought that could perhaps salvage it--it is now useless except for some remmnants of information long ago assembled!!!

Don't hold back B-Max.

I personally found no useful info about coupes on that site, just a bunch of links. If they have any interest in making something of that then they need to add some original content. And there is zero info on the coupes in their registry, how many, color, accessories, etc.

I have been to several Ferrari car registries where they have ever owner since new what modifications have been done on the cars since new, etc. It is very interesting to read and makes you feel as though you are a part of something bigger than just owning an old car.
the old e9board photo gallery also had associated vin#'s. Can this be restored? It would encourage a new count of coupes in my view....
....well, being a result driven guy, I have to ask "who is the owner of this page and forum?

Keith Kreeger has recently done a great deal of work, weeding out the redundancy between the 2002registry and the Tiiregistry, perhaps this approach is viable!

But then, as in all things, there must be the motivation, the acceptance by the 2 parties and the stick2itivness that will see the project to completion....but hey, I don't even know who owns this page!

I'm just glad it exists.

(My favorite theme this week)

What all you coupsters "must" do is remove the buildsheet from the back seat of you car, scan it and send the image to the forum/page. This will track all the info required. The sheet has recorded eveything in the build nature, and much stuff that has never been thought to be interesting.

Owning the E9 has become a stewardship and all aspects should be recorded and preseved.

See link to my earlier this week rant:

The 2 cars in the link are the only other Edition5 cars I have seen, other than the one I drive daily. I was beginning to wonder if I would ever see one. In this case ther was 200 built and we can assume that a full half of them have been destroyed, due to japans stringent inspections and lack of anyplace to put Them. I really dont expect that more than 25 will exist past the end of the year. If you read the text in the car for sale, you will find that it /was for sale because the inspection was comeing...the other was saved by a weathy car guy who dumped tonnes into it to let it live another day.

I guess, as we get older, we anticipate different things.
Does anybody remember how many individual coupes were listed on the old site? We have over 500 members listed here but no way of knowing how many cars this represents. Could the program be modifies/added to so that we could list eacg coupe with its VIN number.
It would also be quite interesting if those who have parted out coupes and had the remaining hulk crushed, could remember the VIn of the dearly departed... :idea:
Great start....I will see If I can start a sufficient spread sheet, for some one to manage!

Cripes, what have I done?

The real beauty of cars is
1) working with your hans
2) appreciating beauty
3) large network of people
4) some provide pratical transport
5) like baseball, statistics are important
6) yer tern
You're lucky you have a hans to work with; I most always work by myself. The best I have is a brian, who just sits on his azz and is basically worthless.

Seriously, this is a good idea. I'm very strapped for time, but can offer some help when/where I can in getting it off the ground, as I am fairly well-versed in database construction.
"you're lucky you have a hans to work with; I most always work by myself. The best I have is a brian, who just sits on his azz and is basically worthless. "

...err, um.....WHAT?,, ohhhh, bit of a miss spell! Jokes on me.....!

WRT your comments, I have similar experiences with brian.....

I wonder, does BMW keep this info on their ETK? Wouldn't it be easier if BMW compiled the info into serial, date, model, colour, options, delivery country etc?
It sure would be easier, then we/I/you, could add the updates such as alive, Deceased, present colour, etc.

2250131, schwarz
2761367 malaga
2763924 chamionix white
0981677 schwarzblau
2581270 sahara
Ha, just kidding... And sorry about the joke; I couldn't resist.

BMW can give you original purchase information, but keeps no records regarding surviving cars. Actually, I think most manufacturers leave this kind of thing to the outside.