How much does a steel hood weigh?


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Baltimore, MD
I have to reallign mine - when repainted several years ago (PO) hood is out of allignment. I just don't want to be too surprised.

Thanks. By the way - this is a great board. I thought the e24 board on Roadfly was helpful and nice (and they are) compared to some of the groups there where things get downright nasty - but this e9 board is everybit their equal - extremely helpful - no posing - no potshots.
alot.....40-50lbs (guess)....but can be removed solo.

removed your front grills and get the bolts at the lower part of the hinge. that way when the hood is diconnected, its weight is supported in location, then lift and watch your back. easier with a buddy, awkward but do-able alone.

major PITA if done in the vert position at the upper hinge.....don't think its do-able solo.....unless your huge, have more than 2 arms, and creative

I'd weigh mine for you but I squirrled it away in the garage for long term storage......replaced it with f/glass....10-15lbs?

Hood weight says original is 48# compared to their street fiberglass at 25# or race version glass at 15#.
Thanks to both - horizontal sounds best way regardless

This will also make it easier to allign and allow for hood latch check.
A bit of advice -- use shop towels, tape, etc to protect the edges of the engine bay opening and the hood, so when you loosen things up you don't make contact of painted surfaces.