How much I love my CSi!

Dave B

Well-Known Member
Reaction score
Carnoustie, Scotland
Hi folks,

Like many of you, I put my CSi off road for the winter at the end of October. Scotland is covered in salt from about now until March because we are a nation of crap drivers that get caught out every year when the cold comes.

Started the 20 mile daily commute (10 miles each way) to and from work by trusty cycle. Been doing this every year for last seven years with no incident.

Last Wednesday, cycling home. Slightly uneven road surface, put off course, clipped a kerb, over the handlebars, and my flight was then stopped by me going head first into a garden fence. Put my hand out to try and break my fall. My fault. No other vehicles involved.

End result - few days in hospital, surgery, fractured ulner, fractured radius and smashed wrist ( my writing hand too, of course). Like the BMW, I needed some new metalwork (plates, pins and wires to piece it all back together ). Other injuries included cuts grazes to both knees, elbows, face, black eyes etc.

Probable outcome - plaster cast for next 6 weeks, off work at least same timescale, pain, physiotherapy, no driving, swimming etc. Stuck with the net or daytime tv for company!

The good news - the paramedics thought that if i had not been wearing a helmet, I may have been killed or given myself a serious head injury.

The other good news - the CSi sits in the garage looking smug, safe and mighty fine. I must love that big bastard!

I will be trawling this site all the time. Keep me sane guys?! :oops:
The Difference Between Men and Women

It's amazing what a man thinks of when his life flashes before his eyes, "my beautiful classic car is safe in the garage, thank god it's alright!".

You should be back by spring, good luck.

John Raho
Westport, Connecticut
Ouch!!! Hope you feel better Dave. Just ot let you know your work on your coupe has been an inspiration to many of us that are across the pond (the atlantic).

And to think, I was actually complaining about having to dump a lot of money into my wife's 325xi because old man winter is here and I can no longer drive my coupe, so we are down one less car for now.

Wishing you a speedy recovery and many more coupe journeys.

- Antar
Get well Dave

I too have experience with metal parts--for both CS and my old body--original parts are better for sure--now I'm given the grand scan whenever attempting to pass security at our airports here in the colonies--perhaps yours will grant you a similar pleasure if the metal is with you for good--or not so good

do get well quickly 'tis no fun to be laid up while re-couping--oops spelling hand couldn't resist that play on words--from injuries--as we all know using both hands when driving the E-9 is highly recommended .
As we say here in Southern California, "bummer, dude". Are you at least within walking distance of a good pub?I'm sure lifting a pint is considered good physiotherapy.
Thanks for you kind comments

Hi guys,

I have just had my first full nights sleep since last Wednesday. That alone makes me feel a bit more human.

Thanks for all your kind words.

Philip - a pub is in walking distance. As soon as my knee heals just a bit more I may have a temporary change of address. I used to think the drunken Scotsman was just tv stereotyping - but I'd buy into it just now - pain relief purposes only mind. :D

Next decision I have to make is the colour of my next plaster cast. Last time I broke anything, plaster was put on you, period. Now, it's a fashion show. Will the fashion Dr help with selection and outfits to match? The world is indeed a crazy place!!
I can do a lovely spray job for your plaster cast if the current colour isn't suitable!
Anything need welding back together?
Pretty impressive way of getting out of the christmas shopping

Speedy recovery Dave
Take Care
Glad you are OK, Mr Black, the World would have been a touch greyer.
As the Devil finds use for idle minds I'm sure you will have researched a whole lot of new projects for the CSi by Januaries end.