Hello e9 fans. This is a great website. I have been perusing it frequently since aquiring my 1972 3.0 csi a couple of weeks ago. I never anticipated owning one of these cars and happened into this one quite by accident. Short version: I met a man on craigslist who was willing to trade me a rover 3500 and a saab sonnett for my 1962 studebaker hawk. When I arrived, the rover looked great, but the saab needed a bit more work than I was anticipating. I asked if he had anything else he would consider trading. He showed me couple other cars and then pulled the tarp off of the car pictured below. Though I have always admired e9's I had never considered owning one. Needless to say, I jumped at the opportunity, and am greatly looking forward to getting it on the road. In the last few weeks I have done (redone) the body work , repaired the worst of the rust, and sprayed on a fresh coat of nacht blau. I have had it running on starting fluid, but haven't had a chance to figure out if it needs a fuel pump, a relay, or some wiring.
Sorry to be long winded, but did i mention it came with a parts car?
Sorry to be long winded, but did i mention it came with a parts car?