I love my wife!


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New Jersey
Came home after work and needed to bring Linda to the Dr. for an ongoing medical problem she's been struggling with. I decided to take the coupe, as it was a sunny afternoon. After a few silent moments of open air, hair tusstled motoring, Linda says "I love this car. I mean, I LIKE the 2002, but I LOVE the coupe! I am going to call her 'Leela' ." So from henceforth the coupe shall be named Leela! :D
Afterwards, we head to Sears to pick up a 'lamp' she bought for the dining room. Turns out it's a way to get me to the store to see that the 'lamp' is actually a Craftsman tool cabinet I've been sorely in need of! What a woman!

I figured my wife was a keeper when she said one day..

"I think you need a new project. Why don't you go find an E9?"

The rest is history (some of it in the making)...

After 20 years in the opposite situation, finding a supportive partners changed my life...

COngratulations on finding the same thing

It does not get said often enough, and while I sing my wife's praises a lot, I still don't do it as often as I should. Behind ever happily successful restorer/driver of vintage machinery is a supportive spouse (male or female) that encourages us in our challenges, consoles us during our occasional defeats, and temporarily keeps the house going while we're in our mechanical mana.
Quite agree Les puts up with me "playing" because she knows the following:
1]... I'm in the shed and not down the pub
2]... She gets to choose the colour!!!
3]... She likes driving classic cars!

Yes, that must be the reason, we're always around at home while we're working on the cars. Everything is under control. Choose the colour... sounds familiar, and likes to drive when everything works fine.
The first car was a bit difficult, but the fourth was like bying a pair of shoes. But don't forget the 'preparation' long before you're going do buy another one.

Joseph :wink:

And never forget the expense!

Getting rid of / replacing a wife costs good CSL money, if not more. :twisted:

Better the devil you know, even if she wants to drive or ride in your E9!