here's what I did recently
Friend brought over the female unit's 2000 Suzuki Vitara which had a regular groaning noise that was speed dependent. None of the three of us could tell where it was coming from while in the car.
So we jacked up the car, put stands under all four corners, and ran it. Wheels off the ground. Crept under the back of the car (wheels spinning maybe 20 mph) and the diff was okay; got my ear next to the right rear wheel and AHA that's where the noise was coming from.
We deduced that a wheel bearing was failing. It was late on a Sunday afternoon, the diagnosis was delivered, a SWAG at the cost, and sent the two of them on their way. I have not the time, inclination nor slide hammer to pull the axle, and didn't have the parts anyway, little interest and no anticipated compensation for the diagnosis or the job. Sure enough, I got their thanks and off they went.
NOW LET ME CAUTION that getting under a running car is something you don't normally do. We took what precautions we could: level concrete surface, secure jackstands, car in a forward gear and climb under between the rear wheels, not between front and back. Well okay I did that too, when I felt the car wasn't going to get off the jackstands.
I DID THESE THINGS AT MY OWN RISK. I/you would be dead on the driveway if something went wrong. In retrospect, for some broad I didn't know, was it worth it? I get brag rights over the "mechanic" who couldn't find the noise but nothing else.