Impromptu Coupefest = John Jacobs & Antar Coupe Pics


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D.C. (originally from Northern California)
Had a great time hanging out with John Jacobs in Maryland, this past (Saturday October 13th.) He had just gotten his car out of the body shop and was in the process of reassemblying interior parts of the car. I got my E9 badge which is nice grill candy. John's car looks great and really got me thinking that I need to have my coupes body worked on this winter. Not sure how to post pictures to the fourm so a placed them on Flickr. I have provided the link below.

I know I definitely need to address my coupe's tired body which looks really bad next to John's body work and new paint job.
It was a good day; my coupe hit the road for the first time in 14 months. It was fun to see two coupes with identical color schemes together. We decided to do bookmatched grill badges so we can tell our cars apart (check out the side by side photos).

Maybe we'll have a few more good weekends before we need to put them away for the winter. :p
Impromtu Potomac Coupefest

It is amazing how time flies when getting together with another Coupe enthusiast. What was suppose to be a brief visit. Ended up becoming a 4.5 hour visit. Had a good time helping you put back parts of your interior. Your work on your dash is awesome. I think I now have another project for this winter.

Time flies with good conversation and of course beer. LoL.