In passing

Crazy 2002--a quote from posting above--

Crazy 2002--you must be kidding!!!!!!

I can vouch that the 3002tti--(3.0L (a twin cam 24 valve) two door twin turbo injected)--is not a 2002 Turbo except for the slight resemblance to same--instead--it is a certifiable example of an inspired and extremely well engineered example of automotive excellence.

As a long time friend, neighbor and admirer of Pauls automotive talents--going back to pre-3.8CSi days--and one of the people privileged to know about this "project"--for several years from early on to completion--and to remain silent as it evolved--this vehicle is anything except haphazard!!

Starting with an inspired concept--it incorporates modern engineering components and refinements, numerous innovative design features, imaginative application of advanced systems, materials and techniques throughout, etc., etc. IMO--It is worthy of being recognized as a serious competitor for "street performance bragging rights"--on most any street in America or elsewhere!!--all-the-while encased in a timeless wrapper.

There--you have my impression of the car that graced the cover of Roundel--and where some uninformed yo-yo suggested it didn't belong there as the execution had included a minor piece or two from Porsche--as if P parts are of inferior design--maybe the same guy also suggests "buying american" if any such example of an automobile exists anymore!!
Crazy-Word-thought interpretation

Blumax, I certainly didn't want to suggest that the 3002TTi was in any way "Less" than it should be, I just wanted to state, in more colloguial terms that the idea of having a 3 litre engine with twin turbos, in a car that used to weigh about 2,350 lbs is "Crazy"
I presume that this engine combination will output about 550-600 HP in a car that now weighs about 2,600lbs will be rather nuts.
I do like the way he has gotten around the Uni-Body chassis stiffness issue, by adding a full subframe and torque tube, very clever.
All of the new apparent torque, delivered to the chassis from the engine, will be carried by the new sub members and the car should retain all of its manners, albiet, be a little heavier.

With a new weight to horsepower ratio of 4.2 to 1(presumed) , the car will be in Ferrari and Lambo land WRT braking and acceleration.

We can surmise that this car will manage 0-60 in about 4 seconds.....that is Crazy.
"Crazy" 3002tti

As usual a long commentary follows

OK--as long as there are "around Crazy"

Actual HP--as Paul is keeping the boost relatively mild the approximate power output that is expected is more in the 400HP neighborhood--plenty to launch it and sufficient to get the tires smoking even when sitting on it's 9" rubber--no problema--its balance is essentially 50/50 so it's not exactly a radical handling machine--how you ask with a six cylinder up front--answer--a very long list of engineering mods that go way beyond sub-frame and torque tubes and other features visible in a few published pictures.

As previously mentioned I was priviledged to observe many of Paul's innovative design steps unfold as the "Crazy" 2002 took shape--and by pure happenstance--I was at Black Forest Independent BMW Service here in Costa Mesa the exact moment Satch Carlson and his good friend and side-kick Kelley K. arrived for the photo-op--the car already in the air on the hoist--and yours truly with a neck cramp from looking at its handsome underside--the photo session followed--then published in Roundel with story a couple of months later..

I have also been very closely involved with Black Forest since it was started and for almost 20 years have been under and on top of just about every factory BMW produced, imported or driven in the socialist republic of California--I couldn't resist that--that has appeared at BF for service----and to my old eyes the engineering design, its features, the fabrication and execution of the "Crazy" is at or above BMW factory standards throughout!!!

I'm certainly not Paul Cains Publicist but having a little background in automotive I have only admiration and enormous respct for the care, thoughfullness and so forth covering several years to achieve the engineering excellence within this "Crazy" 2002 (note the " ")---eeerrrr--look alike----eeeerr-3002tti

BTW--I have volunteered to do a test drive but am still waiting!!
Thanks for the insite Blumax. Perhaps as a good neighbor and confidant, you can encourage Mr. Cain to update the website. Afterall, he does say that it would be updated after the Aug 18, 2006 reveal.

My car club membership lapsed several years ago after I discovered that the world had moved on around me and the 2002 or CS was no longer considered current and would no longer appear in the pages of the Blau mit Weiß Roundel. (I think I just shared my age)

Having said all that, I did not see the article!

All the best