In search of original Radio and speakers or speaker covers.


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Gabriola, BC Canada
Greetings. I'm wanting to get collector plates put on my 1973 E9 and was turned down because my car has a newer stereo. Since I'm a new E9 owner, I have no idea how to go about sourcing parts.

I also need
- a replacement latch for the fuse box / hood latch compartment.
- a dash clock
- AC unit

My car has not been restored and still has it's original paint and I'm not fussy about everything being perfect as I drive it like it's a car and not "my baby".
Hi Arnie,
let's start with the radio. My favourite period correct radio is the Blaupunkt Frankfurt: 20240516_153402.jpg
With the E9 control knobs, this version with control of a Blaupunkt tape player.
Or this standard one20240626_173219.jpg
or a Blaupunkt Bavaria with VF- Verkehrsfunk
Or the Becker Grandprix
Make sure to combine the proper frontplate

Regarding the clock note that the hands came in ivory or white

I have the latch for the fuse box available in a very good condition:

Upgrading to AC is a more difficult ( and expensive) investment

If you are interested just pm me
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Greetings. I'm wanting to get collector plates put on my 1973 E9 and was turned down because my car has a newer stereo. Since I'm a new E9 owner, I have no idea how to go about sourcing parts.

I also need
- a replacement latch for the fuse box / hood latch compartment.
- a dash clock
- AC unit

My car has not been restored and still has it's original paint and I'm not fussy about everything being perfect as I drive it like it's a car and not "my baby".

this is new to me,

radio was not factory, it was an addition to the car at owners choice
so does your law decide on this ?
it is usually known that collector plates are related to those elements essential to the automobile that should be original and period correct, precision made that all the elements that deteriórate can be modern and recently replaced, as wheels, brakes, cables, hoses,

no law would ask for original 50y.o. Tyres

as to the radio I can agree on bad taste to put a green lighted buttons radio from the nineties, but it is a question of taste

weird ….

Any radio from the seventies could do, blaupunkt, becker, as to setup show us your actual pics

AC unit ? That is a serious modification, not plug and play…
Hi @Marnie - when you consider an AC retrofit from scratch, I would firstly recommend you look into Rob Siegel's (aka The Hack Mechanic - @thehackmechanic) book "Just needs a recharge" - which I found super helpful.

Reach out to me via pm in case of questions or guidance/parts supply as I have just gone thru the exercise myself of performing a retorfit from scratch - from research and concept stage, to parts sourcing, parts fabrication, interior installation... AC shop evacuating and charing the system...

you want to look at tho threads here as well:

good luck!
About Classic/Antique plates. I have used a company like this twice to buy antique plates, first for my coupe then for a 2002. Pennsylvania redesigned their classic and antique plates a number of years ago. Could not have been uglier. The antique plate had a Model T Ford on it. Horrible.

I paid about $100. for two repro PA antique plates. Not sure what this company charges. The first one that popped up the plates were $14.00. Know nothing about them.

Not sure what is antique vs collector plates,

here there are two types for classic cars, the original plate and the historic license plate

a reproduction of your original plates is one thing,

here it was difficult to find someone that makes the same font so to speak, than the original from 1970
fonts changed so a renewed plate will look weird

plates are stamped in a dye, so original font might be an issue, I went to a place that told me they can not do because number 7 dye was broken so they can not complete my number

the historic license plate is a sort of homologation process, that checks the vehicle for originality and can be done voluntarily only if your car is more than 30y.o.

it is long and expensive

once finished you are given an historic plate number, (4 numbers and three letters HBB), but you can still drive with the original number if the car had it

in some cases you must install the new historic plates (i.e. if the car has been imported and it has not an original license number)