I hope he gets it, no matter how exact the car is. I'd rather have the alum intake runners as the plastic tubes always leak and the new ones are very poor in quality (so if you tii owners out there are looking, try to find nice used ones as the plastic is way better).
The best thing that can happen to BMW owners is for our prices to go up. I just finished bringing a tii back to life for a customer that got had on eBay. He's into the car at about $20,000 now and it's a decent car, nothing great, but I'd drive it for sure.
I'd love to see a change of attitude in the vintage BMW persona. All should be thrilled if a CSL sells for $120k. At current, I tell all my customers that when they get involved with Coupes, expect to get back about 1/3 the money you have in the car if you sell it. If you spent $60k; be happy if it sells for $20. Wouldn't it be nice if that car were to jump to $70-100k ? Hell, break even wouldn't be a bad thing either.
La Jolla Independent