Insane price

For that price, I'll give you four tiis, one '02 automatic with tii engine, one highly modified 1600 with zero rust, five 3.0 coupes, and more new and used parts than you can believe!!! As a matter of fact bring $50K, and you won't go home empty-handed.
BMW just finished building a new Tii to prove the depth of the Mobile Tradition parts bin, so the assertion that is has NLA NOS parts is pretty tough to swallow.

These guys are too clever by half. Or more accurately, by about seven eights...
The 1972 tii is supposed to have the PVC intake manifold. For that $$$$ it should be perfect.

I hope Matt McGinn views this post, as the Polaris car he restored for a NYC owner is of far better quality and much more original.

If this guy gets this price, some of our coupes should easily fetch north of $75K. Remember..."there's an ass for every seat".
There's an independent BMW shop here in town and he's restoring a Tii for a customer.No interior yet and they are at $50,000!The one in Germany cost around $90,000.
A stunning car, and I don't doubt that they spent that much in parts and labor, but you need to find a "special" buyer for that car.....Meanwhile, I think the reserve price on every 02 on Ebay just doubled or tripled ;-)
I hope he gets it, no matter how exact the car is. I'd rather have the alum intake runners as the plastic tubes always leak and the new ones are very poor in quality (so if you tii owners out there are looking, try to find nice used ones as the plastic is way better).

The best thing that can happen to BMW owners is for our prices to go up. I just finished bringing a tii back to life for a customer that got had on eBay. He's into the car at about $20,000 now and it's a decent car, nothing great, but I'd drive it for sure.

I'd love to see a change of attitude in the vintage BMW persona. All should be thrilled if a CSL sells for $120k. At current, I tell all my customers that when they get involved with Coupes, expect to get back about 1/3 the money you have in the car if you sell it. If you spent $60k; be happy if it sells for $20. Wouldn't it be nice if that car were to jump to $70-100k ? Hell, break even wouldn't be a bad thing either.

La Jolla Independent
I have a 73 2002 track car project that I am putting together so there are some parts I need to get this thing going namely
Drivers side rear 1/4 panel
Rear panel for a round tail light

If you have these and want to part with them I would be more than interested.
