Iron Oxide e9 on ebay - $5100 did not make reserve???


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Baltimore, MD
Maybe e9 values are increasing, but IMHO the seller should have taken the
$5000 and run before this rust bucket disintegrated before him. Or maybe I am missing something (always a distinct possibility).

ebay 350037016489 - topic of previous thread.
The topic of E9 values is quite interesting. Clearly there are quite a few rust buckets out there and there are also a fair number of pristene cars. It would be interesting to start an informal log of sales prices and condition details. I haven't been tracking prices too seriously but I have noticed a general upward trend. I seems that a few years ago average E9s were running around $5K-$10K. It seems like they are moving to $10K-$15K for "reasonable" cars. With a simple log we could generate some statistics that should be of common interest.

I would be willing to work on such a log. It would be even better if we had some type of mechanism on the board to informally register sales: date, price (asking / actual), condition (subjective), location, general notes, and photos if possible. Anyone else interested?
Statistics aside I can tell you E9 prices will really spike up the day after I sell mine. It worked like that for everything else...

Personally I am torn about E9 appreciation. When I bought mine I liked the carefree joy of driving the car without the burden of worrying about value. It is harder to do that when the car becomes increasingly valuable. So let's keep propagating E9 horror stories and keep prices down :).
I think we're all in the boat (prices spiking after we sell). :?

My entire reason for owning an E9 is exactly as you stated - they're great to simply look at and drive, and they provided endless hours of fun tracking down parts and figuring out strange operational problems.

I guess I find the recurring valuation discussions on this board rather amusing. It seems as if many of us want to justify our E9 habit (if not to ourselves, to our significant others) by thinking that values will go through the roof one day. I'm with you on keeping the prices down so we can all buy and take care of more of them. At the same time, I think I will start an informal log of sale prices (mainly from Ebay); just for grins. 8)