Is it possible to insert new foam pad between transmission shifter and tunnel?


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Northern California coast
I ordered a new foam pad 23411200936 and I wonder if it can be inserted through the shifter hole on the top without dropping the tranny? I have the center console disassembled so I have room on top but I wonder if there is enough space left to squeeze it between the shifter platform and the tunnel.

Any tips to make that easier?

Thank you.
You really can't easily, it's not so bad to lower the trans a little and while you are at it, you can refresh the plastic bushings in the ball n' cup area- you'll have to remove the shift stick anyhow :)
Well, yes I have a tip. After you drop the transmission as Peter suggests and remove the stick shift, change the way the end of your shift platform is installed. Use a bolt, up through the platform, through a sway bar end bushing, then through the body with two, yes two, nuts on top.

You don't want the one tiny nut holding the end of the platform to let loose and disappear, say perhaps when driving around in Carmel, CA in preparation for Monterey car week, allowing your shifter to bounce off the driveshaft as you drive. Ask me how I know this.
Well, the answer is... Yes it is possible without dropping the transmission. Not exactly easy and the foam pad did suffer a bit in the process but as log as you stay calm and use a few different sizes of flat head screwdrivers, you can indeed slide it from the top.
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