Koopman: Get well Soon

Da*m Harry, Sending positive thoughts your way; get well soon.
I went to a friend's funeral/wake last week and was the only one masked...I know five people that were there that are now sick...not covid, but nasty bronchial sorta nastiness. Stay safe and get healthy, my friend...we need you around.
Thanks for the caring messages. You guys are my best friend I remember way back about 60 years ago I asked one of my classmates for a nickle to call a friend. He replied here's a dime call them all.
Thanks again this one is much worse than the first. The Bad news is I have no voice, no sense of smell, and no sense of taste. The good news I can hear better after my Cochlear Implant surgery, and secondly I have hundreds of Forum members for support.
Thanks So Much.
PS. I spent three hours at the hospital today with my wife, and of course she also has Covid.
Sorry to hear Covid has hit both of you hard Harry. Best wishes. In our case I felt way better after four days, but for my wife it was much longer. As I always joke she never had a sense of taste from the day she married me...

Hope you AND your wife continue to improve every day. Sounds like the worst may be behind you, with better/brighter days ahead (well, maybe brighter days AFTER 12/21 when we get past the winter solstice - ha). Best wishes and keep getting rest so your body can heal.

Sure hope you and your wife get well soon, Harry. When all of the folks around you tell you not to over-do-it,just tell them you're gonna "Under-do-it".
And now you can eat all of the stuff your wife has been bugging you to eat since you can't smell or taste anything for a few more days.... :)
Best wishes, Drew