Latch on hood release door


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Baltimore, MD
I am not even sure what to call this. Whenever I go over a bump the hood release door (near my left knee) pops open. I am sure this is a combination of a) my driving, b) Baltimore streets and c) a tweaked suspension. Apart from a duct tape solution is there any benefit in replacing the latch - is it available? Or are there other solutions? Is this a common problem?

Many thanks. Nice to get the coupe out of the garage for a drive. Looking forward to Vintage in the Vineyards.
I presume that you have the black turning knob (I have seen the chromed push button variety as well). The return spring might be tired or broken. Open the latch and turn the knob to see at what point it opens/closes the wings that keep the latch closed.
It might be that you need to turn the know manually upon closing the latch, just to ensure that the wings engage correctly.
I have this scenario on one of my cars.