Latin for mechanics


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Cupertino, CA
If I owned a car repair shop I would communicate symptoms and repairs in Latin. Medicine uses latin for anatomy and medical conditions, and it sounds so cool...

Imagine Don Laurentius explaining that aspera inert quaestiones could be simplex solutam contactus, or perhaps turbabatis scintilla. But if you experience rubigo difficultates you may need to invoke a vade retro rubigo exorcismus more than a mechanic.
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And you could pose like these guys:


Memorizing the entire Latin Mass as an altar boy and two years of high school Latin at an all-boy's Catholic High School in NYC, I am eminently qualified to answer the phone and run parts.

Caesar est in Gaul(Pronounced Kaiser although no one knows how Latin was pronounced) .
Memorizing the entire Latin Mass as an altar boy and two years of high school Latin at an all-boy's Catholic High School in NYC, I am eminently qualified to answer the phone and run parts.

Caesar est in Gaul(Pronounced Kaiser although no one knows how Latin was pronounced) .

ite missa est !
deo gratias !

i was also playing that role when i was a kid
jesuits rule !
The Head of the Jesuit Order is called "The Black Pope". Years ago we had a dean at my college, a former Jesuit, who was, by acclamation, the dumbest Jesuit ever ordained.