Leak Down Test


I did a leak down test on one of my cars the other day. Reason being that it had produced a heavy, blue cloud on strong acceleration a week earlier. Won´t happen every time, and I never got it as significant as that single occasion.
Cyl head is overhauled, but the piston rings (compression rings) are probably bad. The car sat for a good 5 years, prior to me buying it 3 years ago.
I don´t know why the blue smoke on acceleration happend now rather than before. It has covered about 2500 miles since I bought it.

Anyway, coming back to the figures; we had 59 in (on all cyls) and between 32 and 45 out. Ideally they should be as high as possible, and even of course. If all had been around 45, it would have been OK but not good. As it is now, the pistons need to come out and have new rings sometime in the future....

It is a D-jet engine, but I don´t see much difference on a carbed car. The values did not improve with the engine hot.