Load shedding relay and related wiring question


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Arizona, USA
The other day I noticed sparks from the load shedding relay wiring. So I disconnected the battery for safety and pulled the relay out of the harness.

Inspected the relay and wiring. Noticed that the red wire was partly exposed (sheathing was worn) and some damage on the relay between the 87 and 30 pins.

Couple questions, please forgive me if they are very rudimentary as electrics are not my forte.

- is the culprit likely the worn red wire (from battery I believe)?

- is there a trick to pulling the wire out of the translucent plastic harness piece?

- is the relay likely fried?

Appreciate any suggestions on what I should look into.

Many thanks


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I doubt your relay is fried.

The wire & connector come out of the white nylon housing by prying back the little tang on the connector with a tiny screwdriver or other small tool. I use a piece of coat hanger wire, hammered to a chisel point. You go in from the relay side - not the harness side.

My suggestion would be to put some shrink wrap over the frayed insulation, re-connect things, and see what happens. Leave your battery terminal loose in case you need to quickly pull it off. But most likely, things will be OK.