Lockdown 2.0


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Not sure we will ever see a mandate in the US, but there are a lot of firms that are revisiting their real estate strategies now that most large firms have experienced the major part of their workforce’s being remote for the first time and finding, for the most part, that it works just fine.

Improved quality of life for employees, reduced real estate cost for firms are a win-win.
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Too bad that none of those savings will trickle back to folks. I think that is right-on, but maybe best for companies with no creative aspect to their business. Like a financial advisor, for example. Interaction with other humans doesn't really matter...or can be done on phone or zoom. I can't imagine doing a sketch presentation, especially trying to sell a concept, over Zoom where there is no personal interaction, no reading of faces, no body language, or nonverbal exchange. It matters. My guess, is that the bean counters, god love them, wont understand or care. Tell me how much the management at AT&T cares that their customer service, mostly outsourced to elsewhere in the world, and the rest from folks at home that can't transfer a call to anyone, sucks monumentally. Four calls to complete one. The bottom line people are happy, though. We hate to call anyone that refers to itself as customer service. Medical billing, the propane company, or even our bank, anymore. (And if I'm on hold for eighteen minutes, I want some decent damn music...)
And this ability to work in your pajamas from home, is not so great for the corner deli, sub/salad place, or restaurant, etc. that will disappear. Another small bit of under-toe eroding of the human interaction that is what we are, as humans....Sorry, my Alvin Toffler techno rant for today.

I got off-topic...I hope that, Unlike this lousy year, when many of the young and supposedly more virile people sort of decided that old folks are collateral damage...That older cars, with their relatively tiny numbers, and limited drive times, can co-exist with the sort of zero emission younger cars. Hmm, parallel reverse current, perhaps...
I don't see a mandate in the US...I do see states realizing that there is tax bill waiting for a sponsor, though. Hasn't happened in NC yet, but it will, once they smell the money.

You e9 electric guys will be in the cat-bird's seat. Perhaps...
Too bad that none of those savings will trickle back to folks. I think that is right-on, but maybe best for companies with no creative aspect to their business. Like a financial advisor, for example. Interaction with other humans doesn't really matter...or can be done on phone or zoom. I can't imagine doing a sketch presentation, especially trying to sell a concept, over Zoom where there is no personal interaction, no reading of faces, no body language, or nonverbal exchange. It matters. My guess, is that the bean counters, god love them, wont understand or care. Tell me how much the management at AT&T cares that their customer service, mostly outsourced to elsewhere in the world, and the rest from folks at home that can't transfer a call to anyone, sucks monumentally. Four calls to complete one. The bottom line people are happy, though. We hate to call anyone that refers to itself as customer service. Medical billing, the propane company, or even our bank, anymore. (And if I'm on hold for eighteen minutes, I want some decent damn music...)
And this ability to work in your pajamas from home, is not so great for the corner deli, sub/salad place, or restaurant, etc. that will disappear. Another small bit of under-toe eroding of the human interaction that is what we are, as humans....Sorry, my Alvin Toffler techno rant for today.

I got off-topic...I hope that, Unlike this lousy year, when many of the young and supposedly more virile people sort of decided that old folks are collateral damage...That older cars, with their relatively tiny numbers, and limited drive times, can co-exist with the sort of zero emission younger cars. Hmm, parallel reverse current, perhaps...
I don't see a mandate in the US...I do see states realizing that there is tax bill waiting for a sponsor, though. Hasn't happened in NC yet, but it will, once they smell the money.

You e9 electric guys will be in the cat-bird's seat. Perhaps...
I chuckled out loud when you demanded decent music when on hold with “customer service.” How about matching your mood? NIN The Downward Spiral on loop perhaps?
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Too bad that none of those savings will trickle back to folks. I think that is right-on, but maybe best for companies with no creative aspect to their business. Like a financial advisor, for example. Interaction with other humans doesn't really matter...or can be done on phone or zoom. I can't imagine doing a sketch presentation, especially trying to sell a concept, over Zoom where there is no personal interaction, no reading of faces, no body language, or nonverbal exchange. It matters. My guess, is that the bean counters, god love them, wont understand or care. Tell me how much the management at AT&T cares that their customer service, mostly outsourced to elsewhere in the world, and the rest from folks at home that can't transfer a call to anyone, sucks monumentally. Four calls to complete one. The bottom line people are happy, though. We hate to call anyone that refers to itself as customer service. Medical billing, the propane company, or even our bank, anymore. (And if I'm on hold for eighteen minutes, I want some decent damn music...)
And this ability to work in your pajamas from home, is not so great for the corner deli, sub/salad place, or restaurant, etc. that will disappear. Another small bit of under-toe eroding of the human interaction that is what we are, as humans....Sorry, my Alvin Toffler techno rant for today.

I got off-topic...I hope that, Unlike this lousy year, when many of the young and supposedly more virile people sort of decided that old folks are collateral damage...That older cars, with their relatively tiny numbers, and limited drive times, can co-exist with the sort of zero emission younger cars. Hmm, parallel reverse current, perhaps...
I don't see a mandate in the US...I do see states realizing that there is tax bill waiting for a sponsor, though. Hasn't happened in NC yet, but it will, once they smell the money.

You e9 electric guys will be in the cat-bird's seat. Perhaps...

Dave - before we get too melancholy about the inevitable demise of the internal combustion engine, recall that the vast majority of the machines we employ to defend ourselves rely on petroleum products.

Whether suburban commuters can get to work and back without a petroleum infrastructure is not the question. The question is whether some new technology will continue to allow us to project power anywhere on the planet. There is no such technology on the horizon, and it is unlikely one will come along, be proven, and be rolled out in our lifetimes.
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Wow - I guess this is what happens when you can become a politician without having to pass an intelligence test!

OK, let's say that the West does initiate a "lockdown" to end climate change. So we're all living and working at home all the time. Great! But what about grocery store employees? Yea, Instacart gets the food to us, but where do they get it from? Similarly, who staffs our power plants, server farms, sewage treatment plants, water supply, gas, etc. etc.? Are those people locked down too?

So we can only lock down non-essential workers, but that would still reduce the number of cars on the road. But what about carbon from the ships carrying products to Amazon warehouses from Asia? From fossil fuel power plants? Chemical plants? And methane from cows farting in the fields? Greenhouse gasses come from a lot of sources beyond personal transportation.
The BIG & Long term picture that never gets discussed relative to climate change is the 80 some different laws of physics related to the position of other planets, the earths wobble, and even some slight effects from other solar systems that effect the amount of heat the earth receives from the sun. The major long cycle is 125K years from peak to peak or trough to trough. There are many other smaller variations, and of course the climate has never been 'constant' in a macro sense (since our lifetime and our recorded history is SO short, we tend to think of it as a constant). One of the cold cycles ended so abruptly that a lot of the ice in Canada melted so rapidly that the swirling waters formed the 1K lakes of Minnesota. Another result of that 'flood' is that the peninsula of MA, and Long Island NY are composed of rocks and sediment that was originally in Canada. Just 12-15K years ago, the area where many of us on this forum live was covered in ice (probably 90% of the area in N. America above what is no Interstate 40). It has been ~125K years since the last 'hot peak', where the average global temperature was 3-4 degrees C above 'our average' over the past 30 years.

The real unknown is what contribution the 'greenhouse' gasses make to global warming. Computer programs are all we really have for predicting this. Of course, there is always questions about what went in and what comes out of programs making forecasts. I CERTAINLY do not know the accuracy of these specific programs.
The BIG & Long term picture that never gets discussed relative to climate change is the 80 some different laws of physics related to the position of other planets, the earths wobble, and even some slight effects from other solar systems that effect the amount of heat the earth receives from the sun. The major long cycle is 125K years from peak to peak or trough to trough. There are many other smaller variations, and of course the climate has never been 'constant' in a macro sense (since our lifetime and our recorded history is SO short, we tend to think of it as a constant). One of the cold cycles ended so abruptly that a lot of the ice in Canada melted so rapidly that the swirling waters formed the 1K lakes of Minnesota. Another result of that 'flood' is that the peninsula of MA, and Long Island NY are composed of rocks and sediment that was originally in Canada. Just 12-15K years ago, the area where many of us on this forum live was covered in ice (probably 90% of the area in N. America above what is no Interstate 40). It has been ~125K years since the last 'hot peak', where the average global temperature was 3-4 degrees C above 'our average' over the past 30 years.

The real unknown is what contribution the 'greenhouse' gasses make to global warming. Computer programs are all we really have for predicting this. Of course, there is always questions about what went in and what comes out of programs making forecasts. I CERTAINLY do not know the accuracy of these specific programs.
While I agree that cyclical factors undoubtedly contribute to current trends and global warming, scientists overwhelmingly agree that man made contributions are also a factor. I liken this to finding out you have heart disease, which has a genetic (uncontrollable) influence, but also a personal behavior (controllable) component. In my opinion, the right thing to do is eat better and exercise and fight to counteract heredity.
When I give my daughter our old 2013 MDX in a few days, I have a Greta "How Dare You" sticker I'm going to put on the back just before she heads back to Uni. Right now in Ontario we had our Finance Minister resign today. It seems he was instrumental in the business shutdown "cause we are all in this together stuff". He was pretty active on Twitter and put out well timed Tweets about visiting businesses with a mask on, dId a video for National Maple Syrup Day in a Lumber jack shirt, a fireside chat just before Christmas about staying in place....Well he has been In St Barts on the beach since December 12th as it turns out!! When news broke of this, the Provincial Premiere was "shocked" about this transgression. I can't imagine anyone believes he didn't know the Finance Minister has been out of the country for more than two weeks . The Opposition went ballistic, as did most everyone locked down. Now it is coming out that a few politicians are out of the Country. An Alberta Minister is in Hawaii and I have my fingers crossed that a rumour Justin Trudeau flew off to Barbados today is true. The evictions in Toronto are about to happen this winter. It's elbow to elbow at Costco and Walmart. Ontario has the largest sub national debt in the world...yes, bigger than California's....X2
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First, adopt me...
Second, is that sticker supporting or poking fun at Greta's message to world leaders?

When I give my daughter our old 2013 MDX in a few days, I have a Greta "How Dare You" sticker I'm going to put on the back just before she heads back to Uni. ..
The Tar Sands issue goes beyond the CO2 aspect I understand. I used to follow Canada's natural gas industry but it goes over my head nowadays...

I'm a Tar Sands supporter. How much do you eat?
Politicians embrace the worst combination....ignorance and arrogance. A high school friend was the assistant Attorney General her in Ma. They basically told all the MD's you cannot except a damn thing from any drug company...........so I gave him my post it notes with Viagra written on it, told him to use them and to leave the Attorney General a note for me. I cannot use them but he can!
What I think is really laughable is that we'll all be so concerned about this global warming and then some asteroid will come out of left field and whack the snot out of most living things on earth. Not that I think we shouldn't care for our earth and our fellow man but it just seems to be the way things happen.