When I did this conversion I really never imagined I'd ever have reason to share the details of the job. Manual steering boxes are extremely rare, and they were only ever fitted to CSLs. Having said that, of all the modifications I've made to my car (and they are manifold), this one has been the most rewarding, even given the rather serious effort required doing three point turns.
Sadly I do not have access to this data. Someone else asked me a while back and I think I sent them the information, but I don't recall who it was, and I'm not sure I can find it in the sent mail folder on my other machine. I should have made note of this on the website but I'm pretty sure I didn't (I'll go back and look now).
The original steering column for the manual boxes are NLA so I had to have my machinist buddy machine and weld in a section for me. It was an inch or two, but like I said, I don't recall the precise length.
Let me see if I can find it, and if I do, I'll happily post the diffrence.