Looking for a pic of the underside of the dashboard flat panel


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Northern California coast
When I took out the crumbling thin foam pieces under the panel wood section of my dashboard, I forgot to take a picture of where those foam pieces were. Would anyone have a picture of that by any chance?

Just for reference, this is what I am talking about. Green foam in this case. But this is from an early 2000cs and I think the 3.0 was a bit different


Thank you.
Well, no concours-judging-item I think, so I would think to try and match the function; which I am guessing is just to prevent squeeking of the wood on painted steel.

The screw should (mechanically) hold down tight just as well without the foam.
Indeed. I'm guessing that putting it around the screws as visible in that early one above acts as a sort of gasket. But on mine, I see more remnants of foam in other areas, seemingly implying that they later found other spots that were rattling. I suppose I could just add some every 10 or 20 cm just to be safe but I thought it would be more efficient if I could use their findings.
Don't forget the foam on the veneered portion of the dash, along the curved edge that goes towards the passenger A-pillar....................like I did!
Don't forget the foam on the veneered portion of the dash, along the curved edge that goes towards the passenger A-pillar....................like I did!
I just renew mine I will have that foam on it, but please let me know what it is for what foam will do on that wood. thank you in advance