Looking for a PPI in San Carlos: E39


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I'm looking at an e39 from Evan at Bimmerbrothers. Can anyone recommend a shop to do a PPI in the Bay Area of California ?

San Carlos German Motor Works


They did the PPI on my coupe (they had also done the maintenance for the PO). Keep in mind, for the price I paid, this was a largely visual inspection, no compression test, etc.. They somehow missed the overwhelming fuel smell from the trunk...still, they seem capable and knowledgeable.

Wanda was the service advisor/administrator. Scott was the wrench.
Dave at Ottowerks (who built my E9) is very knowledgable about the E39 as well. He worked on my E39 M5 for several years and was phenomenal. Further, he's done PPIs for several cars that I and other customers that I have referred to him have bought - and not one person has had a complaint.

Dave Grisel

You would have to bring the car to him in SOMA (right near the 101), but the deal in the past has always been to have folks show up with cash and/or a check, and if the car passes do the deal right there.
Thanks guys. What about just taking it to the dealer ? The car is a '97 which doesnt seem old enough to be a problem for a dealer to know what he is looking for.