Looking for an E9


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Los Angeles
Hi Everyone,

I live in Los Angeles, and I am determined to get a good driver 3.0 CS (At a reasonable price:shock:). If you guys have any advise or leads please let me know. I have no experience with this car, but I have always wanted to own one. What areas should I look at? What sellers to stay away from?
You're lucky. You're in CA, where it seems most E9s are for sale.

Check the Tech Info link on this site.

Don't turn your nose up at a 2800 if you can find one in decent condition. Not much diff than a 3.0 CS. Not hard to change out a few parts to make one equipped like a 3.0 CS. Not to mention you'll know you'll get the cool bumpers.

What's your budget? You can find nice ones >$35k that should be turn key. Anything below that and it'll need some amt of work. And of course, there's no such thing as a "rust-free" E9 unless the whole body has been dipped in acid/galvanized/painted inside/outside and even that, only stored inside and driven on nice days.
I want to spend no more than $35 for a decent one. It seems like the price from dealers are $45,000.00.
I went and saw this 2800 at Beverly Hills Car club,http://www.beverlyhillscarclub.com/1971-bmw-2800cs-c-4001.htm It needs a lot of work cosmetically, and a clutch job. I rather buy one from a private seller who has babied it though.

Ya, that car been for sale for awhile. Looks nice from the outside, but some pretty scary rust from underneath. Then again, that's what sub $20k cars are looking like these days.
Hi Digix, I hope I'm not being too forward here but how much did they want for that thing. You did the absolute correct thing by walking from that. I can't even see if there are rocker covers and the floor pan replacement is, let's say, not very good.

There are some great coupes available here, you will have to be patient and depending on your degree of/desire to, learn and experiment you can build as you go.

One friend here purchased a great car that was an automatic but had very little rust- nothing had to be replaced, he put a 5 speed in (and a bunch of other stuff) and he has an awesome car at what I would guess is close to your price point- less his labor, so these are just some thoughts.

Let the group know what you plan to do, people here will crawl you through it :-)
There were a couple of coupes at the SO Cal Vintage.
Perhaps somebody has contact info?
One guy, Adam, has a nice one but out of your range ($60K)
Another was closer, 1974 big bumper and automatic but looked solid
looks like the pics steer away from the areas that generally contain rust - no pix from inside the fender wells (especially the fronts) or the ends of the rocker panels. the pix from within the glove box doesn't show the back of the firewall. the detail pics stay away from the A+C pillars. its obvious that the floor and the rockers have issues. i really don't think this car is worth 33k.
Overall the car presents well. I think a CSi with a sunroof is a fairly rare option. If I was in the market I'd be a buyer of this one, with a PPI of course. The rust shown is wholly fixable with available panels. The wood needs to be sent to Bela or Madera for restoration. The velour fabric looks good and is available from BMW. Though I prefer leather. I'd also reinforce the rear shock towers to prevent metal fatigue failure. Stan sells the pop-up wind deflector for the sunroof, a nice option. So for $33K you can have a sunroof CSi that can be enjoyed for years as is or can be restored over a couple/number of years, that's what I've done with my CSi, Athena.
I dunno. I think if you're heart is set on a CSI, you can do better for $33k.

I would rather have a better condition 2800 or 3.0 CS for that coin though.

Here's some E9s for sale too to peruse through:


You may want to contact the owner of this CSI if he still has it and how much he wants for it:

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Stay right here, keep checking and someone (a member) will have one, or have a friend who does. The price for good e9's seems to be rising but we have seen some decent deals come across here from members and everyone goes away happy.
we both need to be diligent about spreading the word of caution against sharks

Yes very true. I bid on that blue '74 and I was quite shocked when I saw in person. Photographs don't tell the true story. I feel bad for the overseas buyer that is going to inherit that mess.
Yes very true. I bid on that blue '74 and I was quite shocked when I saw in person. Photographs don't tell the true story. I feel bad for the overseas buyer that is going to inherit that mess.

Which 74?

CSi..known to pedal junk at high prices?