Looking for Spare Hazard Switch


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D.C. (originally from Northern California)
Never a dull time with the old Coupe. After two days in the garage, I go to check on my Coupe, only to see that my Hazard lights are on, and probably had some time. I tried to turn it out but the switch keeps popping out. I was in a hurry and could not readily access the switch so I had to disconnect the battery. Probably could have pulled the fuse.... But anyway, anyone out there got a spare, trying to get ready for our DC Area drive this weekend.

Antar Johnson
[email protected]
The switches are actually really easy to fix.

Once you get it out (by undoing the nut attaching the switch to the dash) you will see the switch is made from two sections of plastic. You can take several small, thin flathead screwdrivers (I find the glasses screwdrivers work the best) and place them around the circumference such that the screwdrivers disengage the clips holding the two sections together. Once you have the switch apart, you will see an arm-like structure that is bent. Bend it back so it is flat. (or a little more so it is slightly bowed the other way) Now, put the switch back together, and it should work just fine.
hazardous switch

They are also regulrily available on ebay for around 25-30 bucks if you dont want to waste time.
