Looking for white Alpina CS image...


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Hi all,

I've been trying to find an image of an certain white Alpina CS. I found it once online, but now lost it....(of course now when I need it)

The CS is believed an original Alpina CS (white w/ green & blue Alpina trim/stripes) possibly in Germany. The pics I saw were of the car (3 shots, one at startline/launch, and 2 were parked??) from when it was at a club autocross.

Sound familiar to anyone??

If you know, have the link, or pics of this car, I'd love to take another peek.........

Don't know about any pictures, but I have a video of a german TV show with a white Alpina CS (green stripes) and an AMG 450SLC. It's a recent show on classic cars.
It's a very large file, send me a PM if you cannot find it on the web; I believe I found it on a german E30 or '02 site, along with a BMW video on safe driving techniques.
so close JOOP! nice model!

the CS pics I seek are very, very similar but the air dam is different and I do'nt recall a rear wing.

thank for all the good leads guys!!

I'm still on the hunt...

My video is over 30MB... as soon as I find a link to where I found it I'll post here. It's German, but even if you don't have a clue to what they say it still looks fantastic.
Thanks everyone for the help, this board is tremedous.
We seem to have found other images of the same car.

I have had them posted in the Gallery under CSi.

thanks again!
