Lower dash Installation


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Boston, Ma
The lower dash piece that holds the breakers and fog light switch seems to be quite varied in its attachment based on image I have seen. I need to know if the bracket circled is put in backwards (should be facing facing down in which case it is visible when attached to the center console) and if the small bracket below the blue tape, is suppose to joined into a small "U" cut in the steering column with a speed nut.

Correct on both accounts. The fwd bracket should be flipped so as you can mount the panel to the console side.

I struggled with that ridiculous u-channed shaped cutout. Why the didn't make it a hole is beyond me. The speed nut tenously hangs on there. Another atrocious design feature on the lower dash...
I borrowed this from an old post of Andrew Wilson's. It is still not clear how to use the bracket circled unless I have to remove the radio etc and go through the center dash to tie into it. Also What is this switch circled since I don't have one but my lower dash has the hole for it. I only see the fog light button and the heated rear window button in my car. Lower dash is original as far as I know.

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